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Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management
Current Developments and Challenges in HRM/SHRM in the 21
Human resource management is, undoubtedly, a crucial component of today's
organizations; thus, experts project various innovations in the next five years. Currently, several
developments have been witnessed in this sector. The first involves the use of people analytics
and advanced reporting, which has shifted from the conventional method of dashboards to
predictive models, including oracle, cornerstone, vizier, and workday (Arbatani, 2016).
Secondly, HR departments are hiring cloud computing experts to integrate social media, mobile
devices, and cloud applications since companies are transitioning from limited storage in local
serves to unlimited storage using cloud services. Conversely, HRM is not without its challenges.
The first is career development and growth whereby organizations should be willing to provide
their employees with opportunities for growth to enable them combat challenges associated with
innovations and changes they encounter in their workplaces (Arbatani, 2016). The second
is conflict management and resolution whereby a HR manager in a company is required to be a
skilled communicator with training to cope with the different issues that arise among personnel.
Functions of the HRM in the context of Product Organizations
The HRM in product organizations has three primary functions. The first is recruitment
and selection of personnel where suitable candidates are selected based on the objective of a
particular job title. The second is training and development of staff to enhance their current or
future performance; development can be achieved by conducting workshops and offering short
certification courses to enhance the competencies of staff (Noe, 2017). The third is
maintenance of the right working conditions, providing a safe working environment, which, in
turn, motivates employees to achieve company objectives.

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Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management Name Institution 1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2 Human Resource Management Current Developments and Challenges in HRM/SHRM in the 21st Century Human resource management is, undoubtedly, a crucial component of today's organizations; thus, experts project various innovations in the next five years. Currently, several developments have been witnessed in this sector. The first involves the use of people analytics and advanced reporting, which has shifted from the conventional method of dashboards to predictive models, including oracle, cornerstone, vizier, and workday (Arbatani, 2016). Secondly, HR departments are hiring cloud computing experts to integrate social media, mobile devices, and cloud applications since companies are transitioning from limited storage in local serves to unlimited storage using cloud services. Conversely, HRM is not without its challenges. The first is career development and growth whereby organizations should be willing to provide their employees with opportunities for growth to enable them combat challenges associated with innovations and changes they encounter in their workplaces ...
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