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Operations management coca cola company

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Operations management is concerned with the execution of business practices to realize
the most optimal and sustainable level of efficiency in a company. Globally, most businesses
face major challenges in the management of operational and systematic procedures. Many
businesses are experiencing operational hitches that can be solved by employing best-practice
methods. For instance, a company can improve its operational practices by enhancing quality
management standards through such methods as controlling stock, revamping product delivery
methods, and organizing its supply chain. Moreover, operations management can adapt several
strategic approaches such as benchmarking, refining internal processes, and reviewing
appropriate national and international standards. This paper explores operations management
strategies adapted by the Coca-Cola Company. It details the background information of the
company, how the products are generated and delivered to the customer, and finalizes with an in-
depth analysis of operation management activities in the organization. Coca-Cola Company
adapts exceptional business principles and through its superior organizational structure and
competent leaders, it utilizes available capital, human resources, and technological capabilities to
realize optimal efficiency in its operations
Background of the Coca-Cola Company
Coca-Cola Company was established in 1886, in Atlanta Georgia. It one of the most
successful American based multinational companies. The main product of the company is
carbonated soda named Coca-Cola that is served globally apart from Cuba and North Korea. It
has other products such as bottled water, sports drinks, flavored water and various other types of
soft drinks that are customized regarding the local country demands. Moreover, Coca-Cola has
the biggest market share in beverage market (David and David, 2013). It therefore command a
significant customer base.
The company has a unique form of leadership coupled with an unmatched organizational
structure that supports its worldwide operations. Apart from its local operations, it partners with
over 250 bottling partners around the globe to reach its numerous customers located in various
countries. The company does not possess any of the bottling companies but rather operates
within the margin of the local channels. The bottling partners constantly get in contact with the
operating countries' multiplexes, food joints, and entertainment joints, local stores, and other
clients to develop a strategy together with the company. The company produces unique

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Running head: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Student’s Name Institutional affiliation 1 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 2 Introduction Operations management is concerned with the execution of business practices to realize the most optimal and sustainable level of efficiency in a company. Globally, most businesses face major challenges in the management of operational and systematic procedures. Many businesses are experiencing operational hitches that can be solved by employing best-practice methods. For instance, a company can improve its operational practices by enhancing quality management standards through such methods as controlling stock, revamping product delivery methods, and organizing its supply chain. Moreover, operations management can adapt several strategic approaches such as benchmarking, refining internal processes, and reviewing appropriate national and international standards. This paper explores operations management strategies adapted by the Coca-Cola Company. It details the background information of the company, how the products are generated and delivered to the customer, and finalizes with an indepth analysis of operation management activities in the organization. Coca-Cola Company adapts exceptional business principles and through its superior organizational structure and competent leaders, it utilizes available capital, human resources, and technological capabilities to realize optimal efficiency in its operations Background of the Coca-Co ...
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