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The heroic monomyth in mythology and folklore text questions

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Review Questions
1. What are three of the universal characteristics of a hero based on what you have
learned in this unit?
All heroes have a sense of justice and honor, are seen as special before they are born, and
born during dark times when a hero is needed.
2. What are the four main ways that hero stories are presented in literature?
Heroes are presented in sagas, epics, legends, and folktales.
3. What are the seven hero archetypes? Explain the purpose of one in detail.
Hero, mentor, threshold guardian, herald, shapeshifter, shadow, and trickster.
Hero: A hero is the main character of a story. They are called upon to sacrifice themself by
leaving the regular world to embark on a quest. They do this willingly but sometimes with
reluctance. On their quest, they must overcome obstacles to complete the journey and fulfill
their destiny.
4. What are the twelve parts of the heroic journey? Explain the significance of one of
them in detail.
1-Ordinary World
2-Call to Adventure
3-Refusal of the Call
4-Meeting with the Mentor
5-Crossing the Threshold
6-Tests, Allies, Enemies
7-Approach to the Inmost Cave

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10-The Road Back
12-Return with the Elixir
1-Ordinary World: This part of a hero's story is significant because it introduces the hero.
It gives background on where they come from and the life they have lived so far. A hero's
journey is often reflective of the life they have lived in the ordinary world.
5. Explain why heroes are so important to understanding the universal psyche of
Understanding the origin of heroes can help us understand why people do good things.
Heroes often sacrifice themselves in some way to save or benefit others. This selfless act goes
against the human need for survival but happens in real life too. These stories help us to
understand why people do good things when it has no benefit to the hero.
Critical Thinking Questions
6. Do you believe most people who become heroes are destined to become heroes, or do
you believe anyone can become a hero? Why?
I believe that anybody can become a hero if they have the motivation and inner power. A
person does not need to have a preset destiny to want to make a change for the better. If
someone feels called upon to make a change, then they can make that change regardless of
physical powers.
7. A hero’s journey is often a search for something of great importance. It may be an
ideal, a question that must be answered, or an item of great importance. Often the

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Review Questions 1. What are three of the universal characteristics of a hero based on what you have learned in this unit? All heroes have a sense of justice and honor, are seen as special before they are born, and born during dark times when a hero is needed. 2. What are the four main ways that hero stories are presented in literature? Heroes are presented in sagas, epics, legends, and folktales. 3. What are the seven hero archetypes? Explain the purpose of one in detail. Hero, mentor, threshold guardian, herald, shapeshifter, shadow, and trickster. Hero: A hero is the main character of a story. They are called upon to sacrifice themself by leaving the regular world to embark on a quest. They do this willingly but sometimes with reluctance. On their quest, they must overcome obstacles to complete the journey and fulfill their destiny. 4. What are the twelve parts of the heroic journey? Explain the significance of one of them in detail. 1-Ordinary World 2-Call to Adventure 3-Refusal of the Call 4-Meeting with the Mentor 5-Crossing the Threshold 6-Tests, Allies, Enemies 7-Approach to the Inmost Cave 8-Ordeal 9-Reward 10-The Road Back 11-Resurrection 12-Return with the ...
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