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Warrior women text questions

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Review Questions
1. What are the characteristics of women warriors in mythology and folklore?
A warrior believes power and strength will defeat injustice. They are described as loyal, devoted, and will stay true
until the end. But they are also swift, severe, and merciless when they strike.
2. How did the mythical Amazons demonstrate their hatred of men?
If they gave birth to a son, they would either give hi to the father, leave them to die in the wilderness, or outright
kill them.
3. In Celtic mythology, what was the purpose of the warrior-goddess Morrigan?
Morrigan was the goddess of prophecy, passionate live, war, and death. She could often be seen washing bloody
clothes before a battle and to appear to warriors about to die.
4. What was the role of Valkyries in Norse mythology?
Valkyries were often known as corpse goddesses. They would comfort those who were dying and helped to ease
their passing into Valhalla. They had the role of flying on horses over battlefields and choosing the souls of the
dead to carry to heaven.
5. The strength and fierce attributes of warrior women in mythology and folklore had an effect on the
societies of the ancient Greeks, Norse, and Celts. In fact, Viking women (the historical counterparts of
the Norse mythological figures) were even allowed to divorce their husbands under certain
circumstances. What were these circumstances?
Spartan women were allowed to marry another husband if their first husband stayed away at war for a long period
of time.
Critical Thinking Questions
6. Early in the unit, you learned that women warriors are always on the side of good. Do you believe that
a woman warrior could be on the side of evil? Justify your answer.
I believe that warrior women can be on the side of evil just like anyone else can be. But I think that a person, or
warrior, may not necessarily know that they are on the side of evil. They may have good intentions and believe
that what they are doing is good while still causing harm and pain to others.

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Review Questions 1. What are the characteristics of women warriors in mythology and folklore? A warrior believes power and strength will defeat injustice. They are described as loyal, devoted, and will stay true until the end. But they are also swift, severe, and merciless when they strike. 2. How did the mythical Amazons demonstrate their hatred of men? If they gave birth to a son, they would either give hi to the father, leave them to die in the wilderness, or outright kill them. 3. In Celtic mythology, what was the purpose of the warrior-goddess Morrigan? Morrigan was the goddess o ...
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