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Computer database management system can be termed as a software package created to fully
manage a business firm database. Numerous sorts of database management system wholly exist
on the basis of how the database manage the information stored. In this discussion two types of
database management system, i.e. hierarchical database and network data base management
system will be explained. According to the hierarchical database management system model, it is
like a tree structure identical to the folder architecture within the computer systems. The
connection amid the diverse records are predefined within one to one way, amid parent as well as
child nodes. One need to pass a hierarchy for them to fully access the information stored within
the system (Yunus, Krishnan, Nawi, & Surin, 2017). Hierarchical database management system
have numerous advantages such as it can promote complete sharing of information, the parent to
child connection often encourage conceptual simplicity, and the security of database is normally
offered and enforced by database management system. The parent to child relationship within the
database often promote integrity of information. On the other hand, hierarchical database
management system often have diverse disadvantages such as; the complex execution needs deep
knowledge of physical information storage features, the navigational scheme gives complex
software development, management as well as usage, all these diverse aspects needs insightful
knowledge of the database. Additionally, alterations within the structure need shift in all the
software program, and there is no definition of information or information manipulation languages
within the database management system. Lastly, the database system lack the standards during the
development of the system. The second network database management system model also possess
a hierarchical structure. (Yunus et al, 2017) The database system support many to many

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connections, as child tables can possess more than a single parent. The core advantage of the
network database management system model is the many to many connection. The disadvantage
of network database system is that it lacks the structure that can resolve the many to many
connections amid the instances or records.
Response 1
Hello, the student has provided a more detail information pertaining to the core discussion. The
information provide a more insightful data, and comprehensive explanation. To add, the main
concept behind the development of hierarchical database models is often important for some type
of information storage, however, it is not that extremely versatile. The database core limitation is
that it is only confined to a precise usage. To illustrate this where each person in a firm have the
chance to report to a precise department, therefore, the department can be employed as parent
record as well as the sole individual staff can fully represent secondary record, and each of which
will be connected to the sole parent through an hierarchical scheme. Hence, the hierarchical
database management system tend to generate the most where the core focus of data collection is
highly concrete hierarchy like list of firm sections linked to a precise high level core information
components (Kumarasamy, 2018).
On the other hand, the network database management system model often permit each and every
record to possess several parents as well as numerous child records within the firm, whenever
visualized, the record tend to form a web like scheme of the networked data. This key aspects of
having numerous connections tend to depend on two ways. The first scheme as well as the database
management itself can categorized as generalized graph of the records sorts, which are linked to
the association types. The core advantage of the network database management system is that the

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Discussion 1 Main post Computer database management system can be termed as a software package created to fully manage a business firm database. Numerous sorts of database management system wholly exist on the basis of how the database manage the information stored. In this discussion two types of database management system, i.e. hierarchical database and network data base management system will be explained. According to the hierarchical database management system model, it is like a tree structure identical to the folder architecture within the computer systems. The connection amid the diverse records are predefined within one to one way, amid parent as well as child nodes. One need to pass a hierarchy for them to fully access the information stored within the system (Yunus, Krishnan, Nawi, & Surin, 2017). Hierarchical database management system have numerous advantages such as it can promote complete sharing of information, the parent to child connection often encourage conceptual simplicity, and the security of database is normally offered and enforced by database management system. The parent to child relationship within the database often promote integrity of information. On the other hand, hierarchical database management system often have diverse disadvantages such as; the complex execution needs deep knowledge of physical information storage features, the navigational scheme gives complex software development, management as well as usage, all these diverse aspects ne ...
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