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Over the recent past, the existence of anonymous and accessibility of internet has played a crucial
role in human lives. Most of the employees and staff within the government tend to employ
anonymous principle form of sending and responding to emails and use of mobile phones in such
a manner. The critical reason for having anonymous access to internet is not for fraud intension
rather for security purposes. The concept can assist an individual to his or her identity in most of
the social media like Facebook. On some occasions, an individual might not want anybody to know
who they are, even if they are not indulged in any form of illegal activity. Anonymity is in scripted
with some level of social safety and hence very helpful to introverts in online platforms
(Christopherson, 2007).
Anonymity can also help an individual to have freedom of expression since a person can hide its
identity from personal harassment. The most amazing aspect of internet is that it can offer an
excellent platform for the oppressed and thus permit them to freely speak without any fear. In a
case where staff within the government communicates with an individual in public, the anonymity
method is employed not to identify their personal identity; however, the departmental name is
carried on during the communication. Anonymity, on the other hand, can expose an individual to
numerous unusual dangers (Christopherson, 2007). It can lead to uncommon action of compassion
or generosity or misconduct, such as impolite languages and other actions that are unlawful or
harmful. Hence individuals tend to use anonymity protection to minimize the social dangers of
discussing unpopular perceptions and the creation of a different personality online than the real
one. It is quite clear that anonymity is used for good intension; recently, many people began to
employ it wrongly. Individuals can now use anonymous servers to post pornographic videos,
pictures, and cyberbullying (Christopherson, 2007).

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Response 1
The student has explained how anonymity has been increasing lately as people are unwilling to
proclaim who they are on the internet, and they do not want to disclose their true identity to whom
they are speaking or contacting. People are now feared of spying on them by spying agencies of
government that record their every chat and email and conversation with near ones and dear ones
(Kang, 2013). Now we all know that NSA has been spying on each and every person of the US;
there is no safe place on the internet to discuss financial things and share financial details with
anyone. Business transactions are not safe to share or discuss over the internet through the mail.
Response 2
On the other hand, anonymity is used for the purpose of fighting/bullying in social media. I want
to explain my personal experience on the internet anonymous. In social media, I was replying to
one of my friend posts relating to a post. But unfortunately, there was an anonymous user started
to abuse a girl post. Later it became with abusive comments and abusive gifs and pictures towards
the girl social attacking, assassinating the girl charter, and her appearance (Conti, 2007). The
person did this had an anonymous id and started to attach people who started to support the girl.

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Main response Over the recent past, the existence of anonymous and accessibility of internet has played a crucial role in human lives. Most of the employees and staff within the government tend to employ anonymous principle form of sending and responding to emails and use of mobile phones in such a manner. The critical reason for having anonymous access to internet is not for fraud intension rather for security purposes. The concept can assist an individual to his or her identity in most of the social media like Facebook. On some occasions, an individual might not want anybody to know who they are, even if they are not indulged in any form of illegal activity. Anonymity is in scripted with some level of social safety and hence very helpful to introverts in online platforms (Christopherson, 2007). Anonymity can also help an individual to have freedom of expression since a person can hide ...
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