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Operational security management planning for penetration testing within a business environment
Student Name
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In an organization, irrespective of its size and volume, one of many roles played by the Network and
System Administrators is to improve the security of computer infrastructure. However, with
increasing complexity of information systems and the rapid development of new vulnerabilities and
exploits, sometimes even a fully patched system or network may have security flaws. There are
different security measures which administrators can deploy to secure the network or system,
however, the best way truly to prove that the network or system is secure, is to perform penetration
testing. Penetration testing can provide Network and System Administrators with a realistic
assessment of security posture by identifying the vulnerabilities and exploits which exist within the
computer network infrastructure. Penetration testing uses the same principles as hackers to
penetrate computer network infrastructure and thereby verify the presence of flaws and
vulnerabilities and help to confirm the security measures. The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of
penetration testing in the assessment of network infrastructure of business environment and to
demonstrate attacks and intrusion into the network infrastructure. Vulnerability assessment is
presented as a part of the penetration test also types, classifications and phases of a penetration test
are described. Some free and open source tools (Nmap, Nessus, OpenVAS and Metasploit), techniques
to simulate possible attacks that Network and System Administrators can use against their network or
systems are presented. After the theoretical part these tools are used to exploit discovered
vulnerabilities in the business ‘s Network Infrastructure by using appropriate publicly known exploits.
This work shows that if penetration testing is conducted in a methodological manner it could assist
Systems and Network administrators improve the security of their network infrastructure.

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1 ` Operational security management planning for penetration testing within a business environment Student Name Course Professor name Institution Affiliation Due Date 2 Abstract In an organization, irrespective of its size and volume, one of many roles played by the Network and System Administrators is to improve the security of computer infrastructure. However, with increasing complexity of information systems and the rapid development of new vulnerabilities and exploits, sometimes even a fully patched system or network may have security flaws. There are different security measures which administrators can deploy to secure the network or system, however, the best way truly to prove that the network or system is secure, is to perform penetration testing. Penetration testing can provide Network and System Administrators with a realistic assessment of security posture by identifying the vulnerabilities and exploits which exist within the computer network infrastructure. Penetration testing uses the same principles as hackers to penetrate computer network infrastructure and thereby verify the presence of flaws and vulnerabilities and help to confirm the security measures. The aim of this thesis is to explore the use of penetration testing in the assessment of network infrastructure of business environment and to demonstrate attacks and intrusion into the network infrastructure. Vulnerability assessment is presented as a part of the penetration test also types, classification ...
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