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Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a great methodology that utilizes different tools and techniques that assists with
process improvement. It generally places emphasis on improving the quality of ta process. It is
done by going through processes that will identify and eliminate different types of defects and
reduce variability within the manufacturing process. Many companies have implemented six
sigma within their companies since the program was created. General Electric and Johnson and
Johnson are a few of the big ones. By identifying major key roles, it allows six sigma to be
implemented successfully. There are different levels of six sigma to include Green Belts, Black
Belts, Master Black Belts, and Champions. For a company to comply with six sigma, the process
being evaluated should not produce anything more than 3.4 defects within a million
opportunities. This statistical process provides a clear picture on the performance of the six
sigma process. The defect in this case is a defect that is against the consumers specifications
while, the opportunity is the overall total defects that can happen.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an organization that sets standards
that consists of 162 national standards organizations. The ISO standardizes the practices within
trade between different nations. There is upwards of 20,000 different standards that regulate
technology, agriculture, manufacturing, food safety, technology, etc. These different standards
focus on creating quality services and products that are safe for consumers. There is also a focus
on increasing productivity while also decreasing errors. By follow these different standards and
protocols, it helps the company to better enter different markets within the global markets and
also allows for the protection of consumers by creating a certification for the services and
products offered that ensure they meet the minimum standard of quality.

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Six Sigma Six Sigma is a great methodology that utilizes different tools and techniques that assists with process improvement. It generally places emphasis on improving the quality of ta process. It is done by going through processes that will identify and eliminate different types of defects and reduce variability within the manufacturing process. Many companies have implemented six sigma within their companies since the program was created. General Electric and Johnson and Johnson are a few of the big ones. By identifying major key roles, it allows six sigma to be implemented successfully. T ...
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