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Marketing Mix
Matthew Mattison
Purdue Global

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Marketing Mix Analysis
ASG is a corporation dedicated to the development of sustainable footwear and
equipment for athletes across the globe. Consequently, ASG provides goods for young people of
ages more than ten and small infants of ages between five and nine to add to their adult product
lines collection. For instance, they have a versatile jacket that is waterproof for ages five to nine,
which is fairly valued at $84.00. The teens' line is not yet to be introduced up to the 6th of June,
and the marketing mix has proven incredibly critical for the label. On the children's clothing
range, the jacket is among the several items.
The four Ps marketing strategy comprises a mix of easily managed factors by a business
to attract customers to purchase or use their goods or services. Nevertheless, in the current world,
in addition to the four P's, there exists a few other variables that brand managers must remember.
For instance, the modern age four p's, as described by Keller & Kotler 2019, are persons,
procedures, programs, and Performance.
The reversible, durable down jacket for children aged five-nine is the commodity in this
situation. This jacket can adapt to the temperature of the wearer and offers outstanding results. A
variety of colors are available for the item; red, navy, white, blue, yellow, green, and grey.
The outfit is $84.00 only. During the initial launch, there will be no sales or discounts.
There is a chance that a big deal will be present towards fall as the summer ends. The price is
slightly fair thus will make clients buy the product.

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Running Head: MARKETING MIX ANALYSIS Marketing Mix Matthew Mattison MT450 Purdue Global 02-Feb-2021 1 MARKETING MIX ANALYSIS 2 Marketing Mix Analysis ASG is a corporation dedicated to the development of sustainable footwear and equipment for athletes across the globe. Consequently, ASG provides goods for young people of ages more than ten and small infants of ages between five and nine to add to their adult product lines collection. For instance, they have a versatile jacket that is waterproof for ages five to nine, which is fairly valued at $84.00. The teens' line is not yet to be introduced up to the 6th of June, and the marketing mix has proven incredibly critical for the label. On the children's clothing range, the jacket is among the several items. The four Ps marketing strategy comprises a mix of easily managed factors by a business to attract customers to purchase or use their goods or services. Nevertheless, in the current world, in addition to the four P's, there exists a few other variables that brand managers must remember. For instance, the modern age four p's, as described by Keller & Kotler 2019, are persons, procedures, programs, and Performance. Product The re ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
