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Cs204 u6 assignment transcript

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Unit 6 Transcript
Matthew Mattison

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Transcript 2
For my presentation I decided to observe Epiphany School. This is the school my son is currently
attending. For the last year I have been volunteering at the school for several different positions
that need an extra hand here or there. During that time, I have observed the school and
employees for several hours throughout the day, generally between 11am-1pm. I have interacted
with all the different teachers, students, and families during my time volunteering. The school is
well known and has been making an impact on the community since 1929. The school is a
devote catholic school focused on catholic teachings as well as providing an optimal education to
ensure that every child who graduates from the school will be well prepared for whatever life
throws at them in the future.
When you hear someone make any mention of a catholic school, you will immediately start to
speculate about what the appearance the school and employees will be. You may think they are
all nuns in the classic nun attire. However, all the teachers at the school dress in conservative
clothing that is professional in nature. When you walk into the school you are greeted by none
other than the principal who is a devote nun. Everyone is very nice and personable. When
walking the halls and entering all the different classrooms at Epiphany you will find pictures,
figures, or statues that depict the catholic faith. While the school is one of the catholic faith, the
staff are not ones who are going to be questioning your religion. They will accept you with open
arms and make you and your family feel welcome whenever you are in their presence.

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Running Head: Transcript 1 Unit 6 Transcript Matthew Mattison CS204 29October2019 Transcript 2 SLIDE 2 For my presentation I decided to observe Epiphany School. This is the school my son is currently attending. For the last year I have been volunteering at the school for several different positions that need an extra hand here or there. During that time, I have observed the school and employees for several hours throughout the day, generally between 11am-1pm. I have interacted with all the different teachers, students, and families during my time volunteering. The school is well known and has been making an impact on the community since 1929. The school is a devote catholic school focused on catholic teachings as well as providing an optimal education to ensure that every child who graduates from the school will be well prepared for whatever life throws at them in the future. SLID ...
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