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Aristotle part 2 of 4

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Aristotle T OPICS Beings / Defining human beings BEINGS / DEFINING HUMAN BEINGS He wrote Metaphysics, Physics and Nicomachean Ethics ‘meta’ = after, beyond, adjacent, among, behind ‘physics’ = nature Aristotle did not call these essays ‘Metaphysics’ – this was a result of an editorial decision His ethics and physics has an important relation between the formal cause and he final cause The form of the human being and what it means to be a human helps with the understanding of being, making sense of form Material cause: flesh, blood, bones, sinews etc. Formal cause: the form of the human (the ‘what it is to be a human) Efficient cause: the father Final cause: to actualise the form of human; that which a living thing strives to be (we might say its genetic code) He distinguished the difference between being and beins Being is also known as ousia or ti to on Ousia means subs ...
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