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What was the importance of the court and ministers in elizabethan government notes

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What was the importance of the court and ministers in Elizabethan government? Notes
Also consider the success of each institution
The royal court were members of the gentry and the mobility who would see Elizabeth each day
Historian Williams estimates there were around 200 important positions within it
In the monarch’s presence, there would be plays, masks, tournaments, entertainment
Foreign ambassadors would be entertained while the business of government took place
and Privy Council meetings were held
The court allowed Elizabeth to see and control her leading subjects, to employ and reward
It reflected her power and magnificence
It is notable that Elizabeth did not build any new palaces during her reign but her courtiers
Cecil with Hatfield House and, and Dudley with Kenilworth, therefore the grandness of the
courtiers reflected the grandness of the Queen herself
The image of the Queen was celebrated, such as the accession tilts, some competed for the
Queens honour
Historian Hague described the court as “major public exercises
Source for political power
Its importance for courtiers is best shown by the use of exclusion in court as a punishment as
with Leicester and Walsingham
One of the most important of her ministers was William Cecil
His cunningness lead him to victories, for instance when he borrowed money from Spanish
ships en route to the Netherland in 1568
His persuasive nature was shown through his push for Scottish intervention in 1560
Most importantly, he could not of had victories without the trust of Elizabeth
She made him Lord Burghley in 1571 and appointed him Lord Treasurer, replacing Lord
Winchester in 1572
He was certainly a “dynamo,” as historian MccAffrey described him as he kept Elizabethean
government running smoothly and effectively
However, he was not the only important minister, Robert Dudley
KQ2: What was the importance of the court and ministers in government?
The role of the Privy Council in the system of government.
Court and The Patronage System.
Briefly mention Local Government (as context only).

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1564 he was made Earl of Leister, which signifies his importance
1585 she allowed him to lead an expedititionry force to the Netherlands
Although he was a favourite, he was not that effective
Sir Francis Walsingham worked for 20 years as Elizabeth’s principle secretary, in that time he
showed strong protestant convictions and controlled an extensive spy network, protecting
the Queen and her security to ensure that if there were any threats apparent she would be
The change in recruits at the end of Elizabeth’s reign… Dudley died in 1588, Walsingham in
1590 and Cecili 1598
They were replaced by a younger generation such as Robert Cecil, Robert Devourer
dominated the 1590s
Privy Council
They advised the Queen and implemented her decisions on matters to do with religion,
finance, her security and foreign policy
Sloan says “there was no aspect of life beyond the Council”, meaning everything that had to
do with the Queen, the Privy Council would know
Under Mary’s reign there were 50 members, but Elizabeth reduced it to 19 because she
wanted to keep the Council small, so matters would be solved more effectively and concisely
by avoiding discord and confusion; by 1601, there were only 13 left
Instead of important magnates were the likes of Norfolk of Winchester, Elizabeth appointed
Cecil, Bacon, Thomas Smith and Thomas Wilson who were considered more self-made men
The council met 3/4 times a week in the 1560s, and every day by the end of her reign
By the end of her reign, many were being replaced by councillors sons and it became weaker
Local Government (small paragraph)
they were local volunteers who wished to service the Queen out of their own time
The Lords and Deputy Lieutenants also supervised actions of the Justice of Peace to ensure
they were following instructions
The roles of the people who decided to help the Queen out meant that she could save
money = important as money became an issue during her reign.
The local government had duties which would aid the country in a positive light which was
important in reference to sustain the monarch and the country’s image.

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What was the importance of the court and ministers in Elizabethan government? Notes KQ2: What was the importance of the court and ministers in government? The role of the Privy Council in the system of government. Ministers. Factions. Court and The Patronage System. Briefly mention Local Government (as context only). / / / / / Intro Also consider the success of each institution The royal court were members of the gentry and the mobility who would see Elizabeth each day ✓ Historian Williams estimates there were around 200 important positions within it ✓ In the monarch’s presence, there would be plays, masks, tournaments, entertainment ✓ Foreign ambassadors would be entertained while the business of government took place and Privy Council meetings were held ✓ The court allowed Elizabeth to see and control her leading subjects, to employ and reward them ✓ It reflected her pow ...
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