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Lecture 6a mysql

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INTRODUCTION Definition of terms 1. Data – set of isolated and unrelated raw facts with an implicit meaning. 2. Information – processed data, meaningful & useful. 3. Database – collection of related/organized data (Phonebook that stores names and numbers) 4. DBMS – Stores data, in such a way which is easier to retrieve, manipulate and helps to produce information. 5. Field (Column) - a single piece of information. Could be a name, or a number. In some cases, it may even be a null or empty value. 6. RDBMS – database management systems based on the Relational model 7. Record (Row): a collection of related fields. A number of pieces of information that relate to the same object. For example: If you keep records on an employee, you might have their name, address, social security number, phone number, etc…Each piece of the information relates back to one employee. This would be the employee’s record. 8. Table (File): a collection of related records. If you put all the employee records together, you have a table of employees. 9. Relational Database: a collection of related tables. 10. Primary Key: a value that is unique to each record 11. Foreign Key: a primary key of one table included in another table Examples Uses of database 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creating Storing Organizing Updating Retrieving Advantages of database 1. Controlled data redundancy – eliminates replicating the data item in different files and ensures consistency and saves the storage space. 2. ...
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