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Narrative writing guide

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Narrative Writing Note Taking Guide
Use this guide to take notes on the following aspects of the narrative writing process.
Define the six traits of writing.
1. Ideas
Key elements of the story and the details that support them
2. Organization
Format, structure, and timeline of the story
3. Voice
The way words and phrases are used to tell the story
4. Word Choice
Descriptive words and phrases make the writing interesting
5. Sentence Fluency
The way sentences are written and flow together to tell the story
6. Conventions
The use of proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar
Explain the steps of the writing process.
1. Prewrite
During the pre-writing process, you generate ideas, determine the voice needed to give life to
your ideas, and organize the ideas to put them together to make a complete narrative.
2. Draft
When you sit down to write the first draft of your story, you use all the ideas you generated
during pre-writing. Sentence fluency is important in this step because you are figuring out how to
weave your ideas together into a complete story.
3. Revise/edit After you have finished your first draft, it is time to revise and editthese are not
the same thing. When you revise, you go back and look over what you've written to see how well
you've done building your idea into a complete story. Does the voice you created match the story
you are telling? Have you organized your writing so it makes sense? This is also a great time to
share your story with someone else to get feedback about your writing.
When you edit, you check your writing for proper use of conventionsspelling, capitalization,
grammar, and punctuation.

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Narrative Writing Note Taking Guide Use this guide to take notes on the following aspects of the narrative writing process. Define the six traits of writing. 1. Ideas Key elements of the story and the details that support them 2. Organization Format, structure, and timeline of the story 3. Voice The way words and phrases are used to tell the story 4. Word Choice Descriptive words and phrases make the writing interesting 5. Sentence Fluency The way sentences are written and flow together to tell the story 6. Conventions The use of proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar ...
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