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Harry & Meghan Discuss Royals in Controversial Interview March 10, 2021 8 Advanced Exercise 1 ​ Vocabulary Teacher's note Read each word and let the student repeat it. explosive Adjective ɪkˈspləʊsɪv likely to cause sudden and strong feelings of anger and controversy An explosive report by the New York Times revealed that the government had been spying on its citizens for decades. rock Verb rɑːk to cause great shock, sorrow, or pain to a person or organization The president's first term in office was rocked by a series of political scandals. biracial Adjective ˌbaɪˈreɪʃl relating to or involving two different races She is proud of her biracial heritage. suicidal Adjective ˌsuːɪˈsaɪdl relating to or likely to lead to taking one's own life She told me that she had often felt suicidal during her time at university. intrusive Adjective ɪnˈtruːsɪv causing disturbance or annoyance due to being unwanted The actress refused to answer his intrusive questions. coverage Noun ˈkʌvərɪʤ, ˈkʌvrɪʤ the reporting of a particular event, issue, etc. by the media The royal wedding received a lot of media coverage. Exercise 2 Article Teacher's note Read each paragraph and let the student repeat it. Harry & Meghan Discuss Royals in Controversial Interview Prince Harry and Meghan's explosive TV interview has rocked the British royal family and divided people around the world. In a two-hour interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple talked about rac ...
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