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Course: Aeronautics 4 AVT2002
University: Florida Institute of Technology.
Homework 1
1. What is the difference between detonation and preignition? Why does running
with a richer mixture help reduce the likelihood of either occurring?
- Detonation is the explosion of the air/fuel mixture inside the cylinder. As
opposed of the normal even burning. Another abnormal combustion is the pre-
ignition, where the air/fuel mixture ignites before prior to the timed ignition by
the sparkplugs. Running with a slight richer mixture generally will cool the
engine. So the heat that likely cause detonation or preignition would not be a
probable cause here. Because the unburned fuel will absorb the heat in the
2. What is the benefit of using more advanced engine monitoring systems, such as
glass cockpit displays? Which engine monitoring system do you personally
prefer, round steam-gauges or a glass display?
- More advanced engine instrumentation in the glass cockpit give's better
monitoring for each cylinders and temperatures. Also, more accurate readings
for the engine. That will make this type of displays more safer and will reduce
the risk of losing an engine mid-air. Glass display for sure!
3. During the portion of the video where the narrator was talking about being
suspicious of your engine, the camera was focused on the oil gauge. What
abnormality was occurring with the oil?
- Engine oil pressure low and high temperature. The probable cause is there is
an oil leak.
4. The video said that after seeing something suspicious on your engine instruments,
you should land as soon as it is safe and practical. What's the difference between
landing as soon as possible and landing as soon as practical? Give an example
that would make you land as soon as practical and another example where you'd
want to land as soon as possible.

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Course: Aeronautics 4 AVT2002 University: Florida Institute of Technology. Homework 1 1. What is the difference between detonation and preignition? Why does running with a richer mixture help reduce the likelihood of either occurring? - Detonation is the explosion of the air/fuel mixture inside the cylinder. As opposed of the normal even burning. Another abnormal combustion is the preignition, where the air/fuel mixture ignites before prior to the timed ignition by the sparkplugs. Running with a slight richer mixture generally will cool the engine. So the heat that likely cause detonation or ...
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