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pregnancy and birth 1

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Pregnancy and Birth
Diana Gorges
Psy 150
Feb 26 2021

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Pregnancy and Birth
Dear friend,
I hope that you are doing well and taking great care of yourself during this precious journey.
First of all, I would like to extend my congratulations on your pregnancy and hope that this jour-
ney brings you joy. I understand your concern and need to keep your fetus safe and would like to
commend your initiative to ensure that your pregnancy journey is devoid of complications that
could be life-threatening.
You need to note that your fetus's care begins in the first month of your pregnancy, or as soon
you become aware of your condition. Therefore, seeking prenatal care is essential to ensure that
the baby's health is tracked and necessary interventions implemented. For instance, preventing
anemia is one of the prenatal phase measures through nutritional and medication intervention.
The first three months are particularly crucial to the development of your fetus, and extra care
should be taken on what you consume or are exposed to during this period as it can directly im-
pact your fetus's development.
Additionally, you should be aware that your health, including your mental state, plays a crucial
role in the progress of your pregnancy and the development of your fetus. As a result, you should
be conscious about your exposure to stressful situations as they may directly affect your fetus's
development. Most importantly, you must be keen on how you feel, and whenever you feel
something out of the ordinary, you should contact your health care provider for clarifications and
check-ups. Generally, you should take a proactive role and be conscious of any changes in your
body or state of the fetus that would cause alarm.

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1 Pregnancy and Birth Diana Gorges Psy 150 Feb 26 2021 2 Pregnancy and Birth Dear friend, I hope that you are doing well and taking great care of yourself during this precious journey. First of all, I would like to extend my congratulations on your pregnancy and hope that this journey brings you joy. I understand your concern and need to keep your fetus safe and would like to commend your initiative to ensure that your pregnancy journey is devoid of complications that could be life-threatening. You need to note that your fetus's care begins in the first month of your pregnancy, or as soon you become aware of your condition. Therefore, seeking prenatal care is essential to ensure that the baby's health is tracked and necessary interventions implemented. For instance, preventing anemia is one of the prenatal phase measures through nutritional and medication intervention. The first thre ...
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