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Touching Behaviour: Gender and Correlation Mixed- gender dyads Touching Behaviour : A Location and Gender Correlation Abstract This is an experiment based on observation of mixed gender dyads, the factors that cause their interaction and also which gender initiates touch during interaction. This research will also focus on the setting in which these touches occur as well as their location ,that is indoors or outdoors and which setting enables more physical contact. The aim is to observe the interactions between selected dyads around the campus of the University of the West Indies. Tabulate the location of interaction, individual who initiated the touch and the frequency of touch. The results will be recorded after the observation and tabulated. A Touching Behaviour: Gender and Correlation discussion will be done post observation and tabulation of findings which will also prove if the researcher’s hypothesis is true or false. Key Terms– genders and initating,touching observations, gender differences in touching, gender dyads interaction, interpersonal touch Introduction and Literature Review Touch is one of our vital senses, it is a sense that results from the activation of neural receptors in the skin, which in turn acts as the main receptor of this stimuli. Touching permits us to physically relate to the world but also aids us in the expression of our emotions. Touch is used in our daily life. This study will focus on observing the patterns of touch in humans as w ...
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