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Law and Philosophy
Jurisprudence Perspectives on Abortion
Daniel, M. K

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The research paper investigates Perspectives on Abortion Jurisprudence, based on the
philosophical points of view from different thought schools. Specifically, the literary composition
focuses on three schools of thought: a sociological perspective, the natural law, and the positivists'
views on Abortion Jurisprudence. Significantly, all schools of thoughts have multiple theorists,
and for every philosophical perspective, the paper focuses on one philosopher or theorist. In
sociology, the research focuses on Aristotle; the natural law focuses on St. Thomas Aquinas, while
positivism focuses on the original pioneer of the theory, Auguste Comte. The methodological
approach is a detailed literature review, mostly from the original works of the theorists. The
literature in their perspectives has been analyzed, and a focused conclusion arrived achieved. The
findings indicate diversity in reasoning, perspectives, and a contradicted world of the existence of
man. However, the results are still relevant to finding a solution to the controversial topic of

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1 Law and Philosophy Jurisprudence Perspectives on Abortion Daniel, M. K 2 Abstract The research paper investigates Perspectives on Abortion Jurisprudence, based on the philosophical points of view from different thought schools. Specifically, the literary composition focuses on three schools of thought: a sociological perspective, the natural law, and the positivists' views on Abortion Jurisprudence. Significantly, all schools of thoughts have multiple theorists, and for every philosophical perspective, the paper focuses on one philosopher or theorist. In sociology, the research focuses on Aristotle; the natural law focuses on St. Thomas Aquinas, while positivism focuses on the original pioneer of the theory, Auguste Comte. The methodological approach is a detailed literature review, mostly from the original works of the theorists. The literature in their perspectives has been analyzed, and a focused conclusion arrived achieved. The findings indicate diversity in reasoning, perspectives, and a contradicted world of the existence of man. However, the results are still relevant to finding a solution to the controversial topic of Abortion. 3 Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Jurisprudence Perspectives of Abortion.......................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................ ...
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