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Lab #1 - Assessment Worksheet
Applying the Daubert Standard to Forensic Evidence
Course Name and Number: CYBER 470
Student Name:
Instructor Name:
Lab Due Date: Week 1
Lab Assessment Questions & Answers
1. Why is the unallocated space of a Windows system so important to a
forensic investigator? This space can contain deleted and created files.
2. From where were the badnotes1.txt and badnotes2.txt files recovered?
3. What is the INFO2 file used for? used for? INFO2 was used for the MD5
hash verification
4. How do you generate a hash file in FTK Imager? Right click the file and
click Export File Hash
5. What was the MD5 hash value in 043458.csv, the deleted e-mail file?
6. What is the Daubert standard? Daubert standard is a rule of evidence for
the expert witness' testimony.
7. Why must a forensic investigator be familiar with emerging technologies?
They must be familiar with the technologies because they need to make
sure the actions they take are legal in court.

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Lab #1 - Assessment Worksheet Applying the Daubert Standard to Forensic Evidence Course Name and Number: CYBER 470 Student Name: Instructor Name: Lab Due Date: Week 1 Lab Assessment Questions & Answers 1. Why is the unallocated space of a Windows system so important to a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. forensic ...
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