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Lab #2 - Assessment Worksheet
Documenting a Workstation Configuration using Common Forensic
Course Name and Number: CYBER 470
Student Name:
Instructor Name:
Lab Due Date: Week 1
Lab Assessment Questions
1. What is the main purpose of a software tool like WinAudit in computer forensics? It
collects all the important information on the computer and gives you background
information on the computer.
2. Which item(s) generated by WinAudit would be of critical importance in a computer
forensic investigation? Error logs, share permissions, security log, windows firewall,
and user privileges
3. Could you run WinAudit from a flash drive or any other external media? If so, why is
this important during a computer forensic investigation? Yes because the original
drive is in a secure place and you are using the digital image of the device.
4. Why would you use a tool like DevManView while performing a computer forensic
investigation? It allows you to see all the devices on the machine and all the devices
that are currently connected.
5. Which item(s) available from DevManView would be of critical importance in a
computer forensic investigation? Hard drives, USB Storage, optical drive
6. What tool similar to DevManView is already present in Microsoft Windows systems?
Device Manager

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Lab #2 - Assessment Worksheet Documenting a Workstation Configuration using Common Forensic Tools Course Name and Number: CYBER 470 Student Name: Instructor Name: Lab Due Date: Week 1 Lab Assessment Questions 1. What is the main purpose of a software tool like WinAudit in computer forensics? It collects all the important information on the computer and gives you background information on the computer. 2. Which item(s) generated by WinAudit would be of critical importance in a computer forensic investigation? Error logs, share permissions, security log, windows firewall, and user privileges 3. ...
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