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Respnse 1

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Response 1
Prompt 1 I agree that political boundaries may affect the conservation efforts, especially
in countries that are not in agreement on conservation. The example of a monarch butterfly and
its food milkweed whereby the milkweed grove grows within two nations boundaries, where one
boundary supports the preservation of milkweed while the other does not consider milkweed
grove harmful human beings when consumed. If the other country destroys the milkweed grove,
the butterflies' food supply will be depleted. This will negatively impact on the butterflies'
The next example of how political boundaries affect conservation efforts is sharing of a
rive by two counties. The two counties may adopt different policies. One county supports the
conservation of aquatic life while the other one supports land development. The aquatic animals
will be negatively impacted because of the other county's policies.
Prompt 2
It is agreeable that it indicates that the land between Florida and Central America is
unfavorable for the survival of cane toads. That is why the only way they could reach Florida is
by being taken by human beings. The adverse conditions could be the temperature that does not
support the survival of cane toads. The fact that cane toads can survive in Florida suggests that
Central America and Florida's environmental conditions are similar (Relyea & Ricklefs,2018).
Another reason that can explain why cane toads are thriving in Florida is the lack of natural
predators or predators that can withstand the toxic poison from cane toad.
Prompt 3

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I agree that the density-dependent effect refers to the moderating factor affecting the
population size of organisms related to population density. The logistic growth model is S-
shaped because ad the population increases, the habitat's carrying capacity becomes is surpassed.
The graph level when the habitat carry capacity is attained. An example of negative density
dependant is when the habitat can support a mice population of 100, assuming that the food
supply is adequate and there are no predators. This will result in population growth until the
carrying capacity is surpassed (Relyea & Ricklefs,2018). The natural resources will be limited,
meaning the birth rates will decrease, and most of them will not reach the reproductive age.

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Response 1 Prompt 1 I agree that political boundaries may affect the conservation efforts, especially in countries that are not in agreement on conservation. The example of a monarch butterfly and its food milkweed whereby the milkweed grove grows within two nations boundaries, where one boundary supports the preservation of milkweed while the other does not consider milkweed grove harmful human beings when consumed. If the other country destroys the milkweed grove, the butterflies' food supply will be depleted. This will negatively impact on the butterflies' population. The next example of how political boundaries affect conservation efforts is sharing of a rive by two counties. The two counties may adopt different policies. One county supports the conservation of aquatic life while the other one supports land development. The aquatic animals will be negatively impacted because of the o ...
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