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Democratization and the arab world final essay meriem el atouabi 1

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Meriem El Atouabi Me2643 ! Democratization and the Arab World - Final Essay Political Islam and Democracy : the case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 1 Introduction Political islam has experienced a resurgence starting from the 1970s. The failure to instate secular Arab nationalist reforms in the long term, prevailing at the aftermath of the postwar period as a reactionary movement against Western imperialism, has liberated space for the resurgence of islamism as a component of state politics. The Iranian revolution of 1979 has played a paramount part in legitimizing the islamism discourse and demonstrating that Islam could well fit onto a state apparatus. It is within that context that the Muslim Brotherhood gained in importance. Despite the fact that the group has been created in late 1920s, the Muslim Brotherhood were banned following the Egyptian revolution of 1952 by President Nasser. His successor, Anwar Sadat, allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to enter politics - although he was later assassinated by Muslim Brotherhood partisans, in 1981. During Hosni Mubarak’s presidency, the Brotherhood was already embedded in Egyptian politics as the main opposition group. The fall of Mubarak and the election of Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, have been perceived as a victory for the organization. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing the ambivalence between political Islam and democracy though the study of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - from being a b ...
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