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Undergraduate physiological psychology final exam study guide

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Undergraduate Physiological Psychology Final Exam Study Guide (200
Common Test Questions)
Q. Which of the following is true of receptors involved in the detection of warm and cold?
The six known thermal receptors are members of the TRP family.
Q. Cutaneous receptors signal information regarding
events that damage the skin.
Q. After damage to her somatosensory association cortex, Patient E.C. experienced
difficulty in recognizing common objects by touch.
Q. Glabrous ________ skin is usually found on the ________.
non-hairy; palm of the hand
Q. The function of a nociceptor is to detect

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Q. The process of vaginal self-stimulation in human women induces analgesia through
endogenous opiate release.
Q. Which of the following is true of the functions of pain?
Pain can be triggered by tissue damage within the body.
Q. Cutaneous receptors signal information about stimuli that interact with
the external surface of the skin.
Q. Which of the following would be expected to induce pain?
activation of the insular cortex
Q. Electrical stimulation of the ________ in humans produces painful burning and tingling
insular cortex

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Undergraduate Physiological Psychology Final Exam Study Guide (200 Common Test Questions) Q. Which of the following is true of receptors involved in the detection of warm and cold? Answer: The six known thermal receptors are members of the TRP family. Q. Cutaneous receptors signal information regarding Answer: events that damage the skin. Q. After damage to her somatosensory association cortex, Patient E.C. experienced Answer: difficulty in recognizing common objects by touch. Q. Glabrous ________ skin is usually found on the ________. Answer: non-hairy; palm of the hand Q. The function of a nociceptor is to detect Answer: pain. Q. The process of vaginal self-stimulation in human women induces analgesia through Answer: endogenous opiate release. Q. Which of the following is true of the functions of pain? Answer: Pain can be triggered by tissue damage within the body. Q. Cutaneous receptors signal information about stimuli that interact with Answer: the external surface of the skin. Q. Which of the following would be expected to induce pain? Answer: activation of the insular cortex Q. Electrical stimulation of the ________ in humans produces painful burning and tingling sensations. Answer: insular cortex Q. Damage to fibers containing the TRPM8 receptor would be expected to Answer: impair sensing of extreme cold. Q. The primary function of the Meissner corpuscle is to detect? Answer: edge contours Q. The presence of chemicals that induce inflammation is uniquely ...
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