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Lifespan Written Reflection

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Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District
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This reflection paper will discuss an interview with Mr. Brown, a man born in
California but grew up in the same place. His parents were businesspeople and kept traveling
as per what he calls market trends. Mr. Brown was able to complete his studies, and his
parents pushed him to be a teacher. Therefore, he is an officer for more than twenty years
now. He likes watching movies, more science fiction related, to be specific, riding, and
hiking. Mr. Brown has a degree in the teaching profession. However, due to the nature of his
parents' job, they had to move to Canada. This was confusing for Mr. Brown since he was
divorced and the parents lived with his two sons aged 10 and 14. He is connected to his sons
that he chooses to move with them regardless of her nature of the career. His life now is
confused due to the change of environment for both him and his two sons. The climate is
different, the language is foreign, and the culture in Canada is different. Also, her ex-wife is
not satisfied with the decision he made to change their sons' environment. Therefore, Mr.
Brown is now full of confusion, which has created dissatisfaction in his life.
Experiences & Relationships
Mr. Brown's childhood was a bit different from the current situation. He was full of
joy; he used to play football, hike, and ride with his old friends. He never imagined being in
such a challenging situation in the future. He thought life would be as smooth as his
childhood experiences. At that young age, he pictured himself as a successful business person
in American land only to be a teacher who was his parents' idea. Unfortunately, Mr. Brown
he not even sure what he is right now.
Mr. Brown has been multiple relationships in his life. He dated one girl in high school
and the relationship seized after the girl got a "higher class" career than him. At college, he
dated another girl, but the relationship lasted for only a few months. In the last year on
campus, he now meets her ex-wife and dated for few years where. They later married but

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Running Head: LIFESPAN WRITTEN REFLECTION LIFESPAN WRITTEN REFLECTION Student Name Professor Name Course Date 1 LIFESPAN WRITTEN REFLECTION 2 Introduction This reflection paper will discuss an interview with Mr. Brown, a man born in California but grew up in the same place. His parents were businesspeople and kept traveling as per what he calls market trends. Mr. Brown was able to complete his studies, and his parents pushed him to be a teacher. Therefore, he is an officer for more than twenty years now. He likes watching movies, more science fiction related, to be specific, riding, and hiking. Mr. Brown has a degree in the teaching profession. However, due to the nature of his parents' job, they had to move to Canada. This was confusing for Mr. Brown since he was divorced and the parents lived with his two sons aged 10 and 14. He is connected to his sons that he chooses to move wi ...
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