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Human Resources Management Analysis Research Paper

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Human Resources Management Analysis
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Human Resources Management Analysis
Employee turnover article analysis
The “9 things that make good employees quit” is an article that was authored by Dr.
Travis Bradberry. The article was published some date in the month of January 2016. The article
was authored by Dr. Travis Bradberry for the journal Huffpost. The article is volume two of the
HuffPost that the author writes. The article is detailed however the information that it contains is
passed in just 3pages.
Article summary analysis
The main idea that the article is analyzing is the level of employee turnover. More
specifically, the author experience why the best employee is the ones that have shown a high
employee turnover other their other counterparts that cannot be described as the best performing
employees (Green, 2017).
Facts analysis
The main reason why the good employees quit is because they are overworked and do not
get compensated minimum wage. More specifically, such factors as being overworked, poor
compensation and rewards as well as failure to honor commitments cause high employee
turnover (Leavy & Leavy, 2016).
Personal reaction
The most surprising fact is that, usually, one would expect a low turnover for best-
performing employees which is however not the case. On the contrary, best employees leave
more than their low-performing colleagues (Green, 2017).

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1 Running head: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS Human Resources Management Analysis Student’s Name Institution 2 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS Human Resources Management Analysis Employee turnover article analysis The “9 things that make good employees quit” is an article that was authored by Dr. Travis Bradberry. The article was published some date in the month of January 2016. The article was authored by Dr. Travis Bradberry for the journal Huffpost. The article is volume two of the HuffPost that the author writes. The article is detailed however the information that it contains is passed in just 3pages. Article summary analysis The main idea that the article is analyzing is the level of employee turnover. More specifically, the author experience why the best employee is the ones that have shown a high employee turnover other their other counterparts that cannot be described as the best performing employees (Green, 2017). Facts analysis The main reason why the good employees quit is because they are overworked and do not get compensated minimum wage. More specifically, such factors as being overworked, poor compensation and rewards as well as failure to honor commitments cause high employee turnover (Leavy & Leavy, 2016). Personal reaction The most surprising fact is that, usually, one would expect a low turnover for bestperforming employees which is however not the case. On the contrary, best employees leave more than their low-performing colleagues (Gre ...
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