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Computer Science
University of South Florida
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Privacy-Preserving and Trustworthy Cyber-Infrastructures (Spring 2021)
Presentation Report Form
Every student presentation will have a Canvas link to upload your presentation form. This acts as
an “Attendance” tool for you, and it is required. You have until the end of the presentation day
(23:59 PM) to upload your form. There is no extension or compensation for missing forms
unless you provide doctor/police report per syllabi.
Your answers can be brief *as long as they make sense*.
Student’s Name:
Presenter’s Name: Ausmita Sarker
Topic: LevioSA: Lightweight Secure Arithmetic Computation
Questions for students
In two paragraphs, explain the main problem the paper is trying to address.
The paper deals with designing, optimizing and implementing secure two-party
computation of arithmetic circuits; which is an actively secure protocol even in the
presence of malicious parties. In the previous times, standard secure computation
that were based on Boolean circuits were used as a tool for preserving privacy in
machine learning applications. However, these circuits are inefficient in their
The paper proposes Optimized and secure two-party computation of arithmetic
circuits to solve the above mentioned problem. The proposed protocol has a higher
performance to overdrive; it is five times faster and transmits four bits less enabling
it to enhance security in arithmetic computation.

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In two or three paragraphs, explain the main idea behind the paper. Provide
algorithmic justifications and design rational as explained in the lecture.
The motivation behind the paper is that OLE is mostly used for primitive secure
arithmetic computation which do not match the standards for the contemporary
computational protocols. For a 2PC in the OLE-hybrid, any type of arithmetic
circuit can be assessed in the OLE-hybrid by use of only 2 OLE calls for every
multiplication gate used.
However, once an individual wish to extend from passive-OLE to active OLE there
are certain complications that arise such as significant overhead. Passive-OLE
means it is tolerant against statistical errors while active-OLE means it is secured
against active malicious attacks. The recent overhead is reduced to 2 times which is
not applicable in the recent finest current passive-OLE protocols, like effective
lattice-based protocols because they are considered very specific. Again, the
optimized implementation from reference utilizes about twenty-two instances of
active-OLE for every multiplication gate used which makes it very expensive.
In two or three paragraphs, explain how the paper achieve its goals algorithmically.
You can re-iterate what explained in the lecture in your own words.
The paper achieved its algorithmic goal by presenting the oblivious Linear
Evaluation or OLE functionality. OLE takes over a field F element where X is a
member of F, from the receiver and a pair (a, b) which are squares of F; from the
sender. It then computes and delivers the function aX+b to the receiver.
Functionally the Function OLE connects with the sender S and receiver R, and
adversary E. Once the function receives the input (sid(a,b)) from S where a,b are
members of F, it records it as (sid(a,b)). Furthermore, when it receives the function
(sid, x) from R where X is a member of F, it sends it as a.X+b to R. If the process is
not completely successfully, it automatically aborts it.

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Privacy-Preserving and Trustworthy Cyber-Infrastructures (Spring 2021) Presentation Report Form Every student presentation will have a Canvas link to upload your presentation form. This acts as an “Attendance” tool for you, and it is required. You have until the end of the presentation day (23:59 PM) to upload your form. There is no extension or compensation for missing forms unless you provide doctor/police report per syllabi. Your answers can be brief *as long as they make sense*. Student’s Name: Date: Signature: UID: Presenter’s Name: Ausmita Sarker Topic: LevioSA: Lightweight Secure Arithmetic Computation Questions for students In two paragraphs, explain the main problem the paper is trying to address. The paper deals with designing, optimizing and implementing secure two-party computation of arithmetic circuits; which is an actively secure protocol even in the presence of malicious parties. In the previous times, standard secure computation that were based on Boolean circuits were used as a tool for preserving privacy in machine learning applications. However, these circuits are inefficient in their functionalities. The paper proposes Optimized and secure two-part ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.
