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Case Summary And Analysis Leadership

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Florida Southwestern State College
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Case Summary and Analysis: Are Drivers or Smartphones to Blame?
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Case Summary and Analysis: Are Drivers or Smartphones to Blame?
The following paper is a summary and an analysis of various leaders and their position on
the impact of technology on societies. In this case, the paper is a critical evaluation of social
corporate responsibility and its significance in the advancement of technological innovations.
Major findings include the efficacy of unbiased comments in the development of collaborative
technologies. Other findings include the significance of involving all organizational stakeholders
in developing sustainable technological products. Social responsibility is therefore critical in
developing an ethical behavioral response to technology.
The case is a critical evaluation of who is to blame for the resultant effects of technology
use Periodic accidents. The company’s technology chief, Olivia, argues that technology has a
significant role in the advancement of societies (DuBrin, 2019). She argues that technological
advancements through smart devices enhance the productivity and connectivity of persons.
Raphael, the company’s CEO, echoes these sentiments by advocating for technological
innovations that enhance information sharing (DuBrin, 2019). The company’s marketing
manager, Derek, is of the contrary opinion and believes that these technological advancements
play a significant role in propagating accidents (DuBrin, 2019). The manager, therefore,
advocates for a change in tact particularly reshaping the company’s technological role. The
targeted resultant effect is the reduction in accidents. On the flipside, Raphael (the company’s
CEO), argues that other stakeholders have an instrumental role in mitigating the effects of
technology rather than the transfer of responsibility to one institution.
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1 Case Summary and Analysis: Are Drivers or Smartphones to Blame? Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Instructor’s Name Date 2 Case Summary and Analysis: Are Drivers or Smartphones to Blame? Introduction The following paper is a summary and an analysis of various leaders and their position on the impact of technology on societies. In this case, the paper is a critical evaluation of social corporate responsibility and its significance in the advancement of technological innovations. Major findings include the efficacy of unbiased comments in the development of collaborative technologies. Other findings include the significance of involving all organizational stakeholders in developing sustainable technological products. Social responsibility is therefore critical in developing an ethical behavioral response to technology. Summary The case is a critical evaluation of who is to blame for the resultant effects of technology use – Periodic accidents. The company’s technology chief, Olivia, argues that technology has a significant role in the advancement of societies (DuBrin, 2019). She argues that technological advancements through smart devices enhance the productivity and connectivity of persons. Raphael, the company’s CEO, echoes these sentiments by advocating for technological innovations that enhance information sharing (DuBrin, 2019). The company’s marketing manager, Derek, is of the contrary opinion and believes that these technological advanc ...
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