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Bcc Chm100 Lab Manual Solution

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Bergen Community College
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62 PRELAB QUESTIONS NAME: 1. Identify the initial state and final state of the electron when it absorbs energy. The initial state of the electron is the “ground state” and the final state of the electron is when it absorbs energy to reach to an “excited state” or higher energy level. 2. Identify the initial state and final state of the electron when it releases energy. The initial state of the electron is the “excited state”. This is when the particle becomes unstable and returns back to the lower energy level(ground state) by releasing excess energy absorbed in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Hence, the final state of the electron is when it releases energy to reach back to its “ground state” or lower energy level. 3. Identify the process by which electrons that surround an atom produce light (or electromagnetic radiation or energy). When in “excited state” the electrons surrounding an atom are quite unstable and come back to their “ground state” by releasing excess energy gained previously. This excess energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiations. Some of this released energy may be in the form of visible light. 4. Identify the reason chloride salts are used in the Bunsen burner flame. Since chlorides are more volatile than other salts, more of the substance will convert to vapour in the flame and give more intense color. Also, when chloride salts are heated, both the metal atoms and the chlorine atoms are heated, and ex ...
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