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Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Training and Development
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Chapter 8: Training and Development
1. Explain the four steps involved when training an employee. Why do you think some
companies do not follow the four training steps? What are the advantages of doing so?
There are four steps involved in employee training. The first step is employee orientation
which refers to welcoming new employees into the company and enhancing their understanding
of the organization's policies and how their jobs contribute to accomplishing the company's goals
and objectives. The second step is in-house training, which involves learning opportunities
organized by an organization to improve performance, create positive working environments,
and mostly involve training associated with specific positions. This step is followed by
mentoring, where a mentor who has the personality and experience to guide an individual can be
assigned to an employee. The organization can also provide an employee with external training,
which is the fourth step and includes all training types performed outside the organization (Dias,
2011). In my view, some organizations fail to follow these training steps because they think they
lack enough time. Following the four training steps can have some advantages for the
organization, including providing new employees with important information and even providing
employees with skill development opportunities.
2. What qualities do you think a mentor should have? List at least five
There are various qualities that a mentor should possess to allow employees to easily
interact and share their experiences and challenges with them without fear or feeling intimidated.
Such qualities include being willing and ready to help, knowledgeable, easy to approach, and
available to answer arising questions. Additionally, mentors should themselves be successful and
respectable within the organization.

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1 Chapter 8: Training and Development Student’s Name Institution 2 Chapter 8: Training and Development 1. Explain the four steps involved when training an employee. Why do you think some companies do not follow the four training steps? What are the advantages of doing so? There are four steps involved in employee training. The first step is employee orientation which refers to welcoming new employees into the company and enhancing their understanding of the organization's policies and how their jobs contribute to accomplishing the company's goals and objectives. The second step is in-house training, which involves learning opportunities organized by an organization to improve performance, create positive working environments, and mostly involve training associated with specific positions. This step is followed by mentoring, where a mentor who has the personality and experience to guide an individual can be assigned to an employee. The organization can also provide an employee with external training, which is the fourth step and includes all training types performed outside the organization (Dias, 2011). In my view, some organizations fail to follow these training steps because they think they lack enough time. Following the four training steps can have some advantages for the organization, including providing new employees with important information and even providing employees with skill development opportunities. 2. What qualities do you think a mentor should have? Lis ...
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