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Case Of The Warm Brownies

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Health & Medical
West Virginia Junior College Morgantown
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“The Case of the Warm Brownies” Discussion
Tom’s mid-plan arrival, as well as his urgency to institute changes, challenged strategic
planning because he didn’t have the context to properly prioritize the plans he wanted to
implement based off of the hospital’s needs. Another challenge was the power imbalance
between Tom, a new manager, and Yolanda, an experienced hire. Their lack of transparent
communication meant Yolanda was frustrated with impersonal planning without Tom being
aware of it.
The primary stakeholders were the patients and employees of the hospital because
were interested in the success of the hospital. Patients are dependent variables in strategic
planning because if strategic planning is ineffective, patients will not return. Employees of the
hospital are critical as front-facing protectors of reputation, whether through baked goods or
outreach efforts. A financial stakeholder was the marketing firm hired for the new outreach
plan because it would suffer financial and reputational risk if strategic planning was ineffective.
The role of a healthcare leader in meeting the needs of stakeholders is to be personable
and efficient to balance the holistic needs of the hospital with the financial desires of
stakeholders. A healthcare leader must be well-versed in compromise and realize that not
everyone’s needs will be perfectly met.

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[Name] “The Case of the Warm Brownies” Discussion 12/31/2020 Tom’s mid-plan arrival, as well as his urgency to institute changes, challenged strategic planning because he didn’t have the context to properly prioritize the plans he wanted to implement based off of the hospital’s needs. Anot ...
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