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All through the course, the main aim has been discovering new manners to comprehend
God's purpose in our lives via various methods like spiritual exercises by Ignatius. The two main
ideas that I found excellent were action in the world and nonattachment. This document will
cover how these two topics are viewed by various religions and their similarities and differences.
For Christianity, the aim will be on Ignatius's beliefs and teachings to explore what other
religions say about the world's action and nonattachment.
In each religious teaching, detachment is about having self-discipline and self-control
when it comes to earthly wants. However, solitary individual life in the present time does not
suggest that people should run away from the joys of living on earth. According to Zimberoff &
Hartman (2008), detachment offers a direction to stop us from being too attached to earthly
desires, which finally become a challenge at achieving spiritual freedom. In the first stages of
Ignatius's spiritual reflections, he addresses self-reflection so that people can assess if any of the
worldly wants binds them. Before people ask for guidance and forgiveness from God, they
should initially identify all their earthly desires and flaws, which are the first steps to gaining
spiritual freedom. Christianity is not against prosperity, but what do people do with their earthly
riches determines whether an individual is detached or not.
Both Hinduism and Buddhism came from India. One of their ideologies is that ignorance
causes suffering and pain, and that detachment is vital for a person to lead a spiritual life. These
religions observe almost a similar spiritual exercise like mind cultivation via concentration and
meditation, the way Ignatius proposed. They both stress nonviolence and compassion towards

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1 Discernment Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number Course Name Due date DISCERNMENT 2 Discernment Introduction All through the course, the main aim has been discovering new manners to comprehend God's purpose in our lives via various methods like spiritual exercises by Ignatius. The two main ideas that I found excellent were action in the world and nonattachment. This document will cover how these two topics are viewed by various religions and their similarities and differences. For Christianity, the aim will be on Ignatius's beliefs and teachings to explore what other religions say about the world's action and nonattachment. Detachment/Nonattachment In each religious teaching, detachment is about having self-discipline and self-control when it comes to earthly wants. However, solitary individual life in the present time does not suggest that people should run away from the joys of living on earth. According to Zimberoff & Hartman (2008), detachment offers a direction to stop us from being too attached to earthly desires, which finally become a challenge at achieving spiritual freedom. In the first stages of Ignatius's spiritual reflections, he addresses self-reflection so that people can assess if any of the worldly wants binds them. Before people ask for guidance and forgiveness from God, they should initially identify all their earthly desires and flaws, which are the first steps to gaining spiritual freedom. Christianity is not against prosperity, b ...
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