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Performance Management and Strategy
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The current organization uses an OKR performance management system. The objectives
and key results are an approach that helps the organizations set objectives and determine the
employees' success in meeting the targets. The organization sets ambitious goals to ensure that
the workers put extra effort into achieving the set targets. The method deals with tracking
progress, creating alignment, and encouraging cooperation among the internal and external
stakeholders. Individuals in the organization have a set of objectives that range from three to five
and the targets by the organization (Helmold & Terry, 2021). The type of performance
management system applies to all employees at different levels. The organization gets a quarterly
report that ranks performance from 0 to 100%.
The organization uses the 360-degree appraisal method to evaluate the performance of
the employees. The technique relies on feedback from different people in contact with the
employee. The organization gets feedback from fellow employees, managers, customers, and
suppliers. The method helps to keep biases at bay because the feedback comes from different
sources that interact differently. The organization evaluates employees performance quarterly to
get an accurate overview of the workers’ potentials (Kanaslan & Iyem, 2016). The 360-degree
appraisal method is attributed as one of the best evaluation methods because it provides a well-
rounded view of employees from time to time. The procedure helps employees improve in areas
of weaknesses and enhance managers’ understanding of the employees.
The managers include self-assessment as part of the performance management in the
firm. The self-assessment starts with the setting of measurable goals that helps the employees to
push themselves. The second step is finding a baseline that guides the operation of the individual
workers. The third step is recording information about the changes in the execution process. The

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Running head: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY Performance Management and Strategy University Student’s name Course title Professor’s name Date 1 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY 2 The current organization uses an OKR performance management system. The objectives and key results are an approach that helps the organizations set objectives and determine the employees' success in meeting the targets. The organization sets ambitious goals to ensure that the workers put extra effort into achieving the set targets. The method deals with tracking progress, creating alignment, and encouraging cooperation among the internal and external stakeholders. Individuals in the organization have a set of objectives that range from three to five and the targets by the organization (Helmold & Terry, 2021). The type of performance management system applies to all employees at different levels. The organization gets a quarterly report that ranks performance from 0 to 100%. The organization uses the 360-degree appraisal method to evaluate the performance of the employees. The technique relies on feedback from different people in contact with the employee. The organization gets feedback fr ...
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