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Article Critique Anova

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Walden University
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Association Between Shopping Habit and Demographics of M-Commerce user’s in
India using Two way ANOVA
Selection of factorial ANOVA
Factorial analysis of variance is a statistical procedure that helps the researcher to
determine the impact of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable. In
contrast to one-way ANOVA, factorial ANOVA utilizes two or more independent variables
that divide the sample into four or more groups. Factorial analysis of variance is also utilized
to determine cause and effect relationships. This means one or more independent variables
cause a significant difference in one or more characteristics. The two-way ANOVA article
selected for analysis is "Association Between Shopping Habit and Demographics of M-
Commerce user’s in India using Two way ANOVA". The author used factorial ANOVA in
the study because there is more than one independent variable used.
Appropriate choice
The study uses two independent variables and one dependent variable. The two
independent variables are yearly income and gender, and one independent variable is the
shopping habits of people. The objective of the research is to know the association between
demographic characteristics (gender and yearly income) as well as determining the
interaction between the independent variables (gender and yearly income). The hypothesis
design comprises three sets of hypothesis: there is no interaction between independent
variables, there is no significant association among population means of yearly income, and
there is no significant association among population means of gender. This proves that
factorial analysis of variance suitable for the research.
Results displayed in a figure or table

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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 1 Title Student name Course name Instructor name Date ASSIGNMENT 2 Association Between Shopping Habit and Demographics of M-Commerce user’s in India using Two way ANOVA Selection of factorial ANOVA Factorial analysis of variance is a statistical procedure that helps the researcher to determine the impact of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable. In contrast to one-way ANOVA, factorial ANOVA utilizes two or more independent variables that divide the sample into four or more groups. Factorial analysis of variance is also utilized to determine cause and effect relationships. This means one or more independent variables cause a significant difference in one or more characteristics. The two-way ANOVA article selected for analysis is "Association Between Shopping Habit and Demographics of MCommerce user’s in India using Two way ANOVA". The author used factorial ANOVA in the study because there is more than one independent variable used. Appropriate choice The study uses two independent variables and one dependent variable. The two independent variables are yearly income and gender, and one independent variable is the shopping habits of people. The objective of the research is to know the association between demographic characteristics (gender and yearly income) as well as determining the interaction between the independent variables (gender and yearly income). The hypothesis design comprises three sets of hypothesis: there is n ...
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