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Developing Employees Through Performance Management Answer

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Developing Employees Through Performance Management Discussion
Student’s Name
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Developing Employees Through Performance Management Discussion
Having an effective performance management system is vital for both the employees and
managers to ensure consistency in the performance of an organization. An effective performance
management system well articulates the process for realizing assessment activities with well-
distinct responsibilities and timelines for both the employees and the managers. Performance
management systems should be designed on specific business needs, organizational values, and
incorporation with the various human resource systems. Performance management systems
support employee promotion decisions, employee development, pay decisions, and other human
resource decisions. There are different methods by which the leadership of an organization can
evaluate the performance of their employees, and one of them is self-assessment. In self-
assessment, the employees’ self-rate their performance following the predetermined performance
standards. Self-assessment has been embraced in the performance management systems because
it involves the members honestly assessing their strengths and development areas. Also, self-
assessment has increased the engagement of employees in the appraisal process, increased
capacity building, enhanced competency, and enabled employees to set future objectives for
improvement and career planning. As a manager, I have many roles in the business, such as
influencing employee engagement, communicating the company policies, encouraging teamwork
and increase in productivity, aligning employees with company goals, and mentoring and
motivating the employees. It is essential for me as a manager to create a self-assessment to help
me reflect on my roles and duties and develop my leadership skills.
My Strengths

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1 Developing Employees Through Performance Management Discussion Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date 2 Developing Employees Through Performance Management Discussion Introduction Having an effective performance management system is vital for both the employees and managers to ensure consistency in the performance of an organization. An effective performance management system well articulates the process for realizing assessment activities with welldistinct responsibilities and timelines for both the employees and the managers. Performance management systems should be designed on specific business needs, organizational values, and incorporation with the various human resource systems. Performance management systems support employee promotion decisions, employee development, pay decisions, and other human resource decisions. There are different methods by which the leadership of an organization can evaluate the performance of their employees, and one of them is self-assessment. In selfassessment, the employees’ self-rate their performance following the predetermined performance standards. Self-assessment has been embraced in the performance management systems because it involves the members honestly assessing their strengths and development areas. Also, selfassessment has increased the engagement of employees in the appraisal process, increased capacity building, enhanced competency, and enabled employees to set future objectives for impro ...
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