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Human Reproductive System Unit Review Worksheet

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Name: _______________________________________________Date: ___________________________Period: ______ Human Reproductive System Unit Review Worksheet Directions: Correct your worksheet using a colored pen that is contrasting to what you used to fill this out. Do not just erase you mistakes and fix them. I need to see your corrections. 1. Label the diagram below. J I A. Ovary F. Urethra opening B. Uterus G. Testes C. Fallopian Tubes H. Epididymis D. Vagina I. Prostate E. Vas deferens J. Cervix 2. List the male parts, in order, for which sperm and semen are produced and released. TestesÆEpididymisÆVas deferensÆProstateÆUrethra opening 3. List the female parts, in order, for which an egg/ovum is created and released. OvaryÆFallopian TubeÆUterusÆCervixÆVagina 4. A. What two hormones trigger sexual maturity? LH& FSH B. What is another term for sexual maturity? Puberty C. When would a boy reach sexual maturity? When sperm is produced D. When would a girl reach sexual maturity? When an egg is produced, or menstruation has occurred 5. When sperm fertilizes an egg, what is the result? zygote 6. In males, what 2 things does the hormone testosterone influence (or do)? Ma ...
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