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Chamberlain College of Nursing
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Option 1: California Washington mural
The act that should be done on the artwork is that it should be left as is in plain view. The
reason for leaving it in plain view is that it will be utilized later by the teachers in educating the
students. The teachers will use the murals to help the students, mostly the native and African
Americans, overcome the traumatic events (2022). This will help teachers make the students
change their painful moments into visions for change. The teachers can uncover the blinds
during the history lessons where more will be covered regarding the past events in the country.
This will help educate the students to live in harmony and peace as this will help overcome
historical events. The teachers will utilize the murals to reveal the truth about American history
to the students. The murals will help teach the students about how the country has evolved from
past disastrous encounters.
The context in which the artwork was created impacted the decision of what to do with
the artwork. This is because the content was primarily intended to focus on George Washington
and American history. The decision was to utilize the artwork to reveal the slave laboring and
colonial-era encounters by the native and African Americans.
The contexts in which people now view the artwork impact the decision of what to do
with it. Some people view the artwork as degrading and criticize American society. Some view it
as will resurrect the traumatizing and hurting moment that the Native and African Americans
underwent under the European-descended American colonists.
The message that the artwork conveys is that it was meant to reveal the legacies of
slavery in American history and hence analyze the various federal policies that have been

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1 Initial Post Your name Instructor’s name Course Date of submission 2 Initial Post Option 1: California Washington mural The act that should be done on the artwork is that it should be left as is in plain view. The reason for leaving it in plain view is that it will be utilized later by the teachers in educating the students. The teachers will use the murals to help the students, mostly the native and African Americans, overcome the traumatic events (2022). This will help teachers make the students change their painful moments into visions for change. The teachers can uncover the blinds during the history lessons where more will be covered regarding the past events in the country. This will help educate the students to live in harmony and peace as this will help overcome historical events. The teachers will utilize the murals to reveal the truth about American history to the students. The murals will help teach the students about how the country has evolved from past disastrous encounters. The context in which the artwork was created impacted the decision of what to do with the artwork. This is because the content was primarily intended to focus on George Washington and Ame ...
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