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14 06 20 sr n sc jee adv 2019 p1 gta 18 p 1 key sol

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Sec: SR-IIT-N-SUPER CHAINA Time: 3 Hrs. GTA-18(P-1) 2019(P-1) Dt: 14.06.20 Max.Marks:186 KEY SHEET PHYSICS 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 AC 6 AC 7 BD 8 CD 9 AC 10 AC 11 BD 12 ABCD 13 14.00 14 75.00 15 96.00 16 50 17 0.25 18 0.01 CHEMISTRY 19 A 20 C 21 B 22 D 23 AB 24 ABCD 25 ABCD 26 ABCD 27 ABCD 28 ABCD 29 ABCD 30 ABCD 31 -810.6 32 99.20 33 10 34 4.00 35 4.00 36 3.00 MATHS 37 B 38 D 39 A 40 C 41 BD 42 ACD 43 AB 44 AC 45 AB 46 ACD 47 ABC 48 AD 49 20 50 4.5 51 1.75 53 0.5 54 52 0.14 TO 0.15 1.57 TO 1.58 Narayana IIT Academy 14.06.20_Sr.IIT_SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-18(P-1)_Key & Sol’s SOLUTIONS PHYSICS 1. dx x d  2k    cos    x dx   Z  2k  d  .  dx Z Z  dx 2  2k  d  2 2  d  x  2. B 0 NiR  2 2  R2  x2  3/2 l  x  0 NiR 2 2 l3 0 Ni  R  1  0 Ni 3  1  sin     2 l  R  2 R N  B R WB  Heat  V f  Vi 3  3. 1 1 2 Heat   3 CV  V  CV 2  C  2V  2 2 3 Heat  3CV 2  CV 2 2 2 Heat  4.5CV SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 2 Be the person to create a page in the history of a nation. Narayana IIT Academy 4. 14.06.20_Sr.IIT_SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-18(P-1)_Key & Sol’s V at aC tan 30  aT aC ----------- (1) at  3 t  3 2 aC   t   2  t   2 5. 2/3 q B0 R R  mR ...
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