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Impact Of Health Care Policy And Determinants

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University of Phoenix
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HCS/455 v9
Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Impact of Health Care Policy and Determinants
Part 1
Research health care policy and health care determinants.
Respond to the following prompt using 90 to 175 words:
Explain the importance of health care policy and its impact on health care determinants.
There are many health care policies which have been enacted in the country which have promoted the delivery of medical care, thereby
ascertaining quality, effective, and safe medical care is provided to the patients. Health care policies are also public policies which tend to
influence an individual pursuant to health care. Health care policies often influence the various health determinants since they are helping in
shaping how the patients would be offered with medical care. The importance of health care policies to the public is that they create standards
and regulations which play a leading role towards improving the health of the population through ensuring that health care organizations
adhere to the health standards and provide medical services that will help improve the health condition of its patients (Longest, 2016). The
impact of health care policies on health care determinants is that they ensure that the determinants of health such as social and economic
environment and physical environment of the public are improved so that they cannot negatively impact their health.

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Impact of Health Care Policy and Determinants
HCS/455 v9
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Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Part 2
Complete the following chart. Use the weekly textbook readings and other resources you have researched to support your answers.:
Identify the four different
forms of health care policy.
Identify an example of each
form identified.
Classify the form identified into
one of the two categories of the
health care policy.
Describe why the health care
form identified fits in the
category identified (15 to 45
1. Rules and
HIPAA Omnibus Rule
Regulatory Health Policy
HIPAA Omnibus Rule is a
regulatory health policy which
was created by the Department of
Health and Human Services
which modify the HIPAA
Privacy and provides rules which
health organizations need to
comply with.
2. Judicial Decisions
Griswold v. Connecticut
Regulatory Health Policy
A regulatory health policy which
mandated that women in the
United States can access safe and
legal abortion.
3. Law
Affordable care Act
Allocative Health Policy
Health care insurance companies
are mandated to allocate some
resources which they will pay for
medical expenses for those
individuals with medical cover
under the company (Obama,

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HCS/455 v9 Impact of Health Care Policy and Determinants Part 1 Research health care policy and health care determinants. Respond to the following prompt using 90 to 175 words: • Explain the importance of health care policy and its impact on health care determinants. There are many health care policies which have been enacted in the country which have promoted the delivery of medical care, thereby ascertaining quality, effective, and safe medical care is provided to the patients. Health care policies are also public policies which tend to influence an individual pursuant to health care. Health care policies often influence the various health determinants since they are helping in shaping how the patients would be offered with medical care. The importance of health care policies to the public is that they create standards and regulations which play a leading role towards improving the health of the population through ensuring that health care organizations adhere to the health standards and provide medical services that will help improve the health condition of its patients (Longest, 2016). The impact of health care policies on health care determinants is that they ensure that ...
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