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Relationship Analysis 20401409. Revised

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Prince Georges Community College
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Title: Interpersonal Relationship Analysis through Observation
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation

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Relationships in human beings refer to the state of connection between two or more
people based on some common ground, such as blood, marriage, or friendship. According to
Young (2008), Human beings are inherently social creatures. An interpersonal relationship can
be referred to as a close connection or interconnection among particular individuals. Such a
relationship may involve emotions and even strong feelings. Interpersonal communication is the
general way two or more people will exchange information either verbally or nonverbally
(Solomon et al., 2016). Verbal communication includes information transferred through speech.
Conversely, non-verbal communication occurs via face gestures, motions, stance, vocalic or
physical modifications. There is intensive research to determine whether there is a link between
interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationship. Does one affect the other? People
sharing an interpersonal relationship may exhibit different behavioral styles within themselves,
which is different from others. Importantly, interpersonal relationships can be categorized into
various types of relationships like blood relations, love affairs, casual relationships and mutual
Interpersonal Relationships
Family relationships involve the connection of people on the ground of blood or some
type of kinship. In this case, marriage is concerned. This family relationship can extend to
relatives of your relatives. For example, the eldest brother of your father becomes your uncle.
Ideally, family relationships run for a lifetime in most cases (Xu et al., 2019). This means, for
instance, that your biological mother remains your mother irrespective of anything. There is no
possible way to undo this action. One may only denounce his/her biological parent by not
recognizing him due to disagreement, dislike, or other reasons. Still, the fact will remain that the

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Running Head: INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS Title: Interpersonal Relationship Analysis through Observation Student’s Name Institution Affiliation 1 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS 2 Introduction Relationships in human beings refer to the state of connection between two or more people based on some common ground, such as blood, marriage, or friendship. According to Young (2008), Human beings are inherently social creatures. An interpersonal relationship can be referred to as a close connection or interconnection among particular individuals. Such a relationship may involve emotions and even strong feelings. Interpersonal communication is the general way two or more people will exchange information either verbally or nonverbally (Solomon et al., 2016). Verbal communication includes information transferred through speech. Conversely, non-verbal communication occurs via face gestures, motions, stance, vocalic or physical modifications. There is intensive research to determine whether there is a link between interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationship. Does one affect the other? People sharing an interpersonal relationship may exhibit different behavioral styles within themselves, which is different from others. Importantly, interpersonal relationships can be categorized into various types of relationships like blood relations, love affairs, casual relationships and mutual relationships. Interpersonal Relationships Family relationships involve the ...
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