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Reparations 1

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Cypress College
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Reparations to India
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Reparations to India
1. What are reparations?
The broad understanding of the term reparations is that they are payments,
compensation, or settlements that are given for abuse or injuries caused by the actions of the
people giving the reparations. Therefore, it is worth saying that reparations are a form of redress
for the injustices caused on a specific population. At the same time, reparations mostly come
in the form of monetary apologies that signify the acknowledgement that particular actions
were unfair to the victims. In this case, providing reparations to India would be an
acknowledgement by the British that their actions many years ago were unfair and caused
untold suffering to Indians.
2. What are the main arguments in favor of British reparations to India?
The first main argument in favor of Britain’s reparations to India is that the British
caused tremendous losses, both in the form of lives and economic prowess in India, during the
colonial times. Such include the British being the reason for the drop in India’s share of the
world’s economy from 23% to less than 4% (Tharoor, 2015). Britain also de-industrialized
India by destroying its textile industry and replacing it with finished textile products that were
manufactured in England using raw materials from India. In simple terms, the British
significantly contributed to India’s increased imports and decreased exports by disabling the
textile industry, as well as many other sectors in the country, thereby crippling India’s
3. Why was India referred to as the "jewel in the crown"?

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Running head: REPARATIONS TO INDIA Reparations to India Student’s name: Institution: Course: Date: 2 REPARATIONS TO INDIA Reparations to India 1. What are reparations? The broad understanding of the term reparations is that they are payments, compensation, or settlements that are given for abuse or injuries caused by the actions of the people giving the reparations. Therefore, it is worth saying that reparations are a form of redress for the injustices caused on a specific population. At the same time, reparations mostly come in the form of monetary apologies that signify the acknowledgement that particular actions were unfair to the victims. In this case, providing reparations to India would be an acknowledgement by the British that their actions many years ago were unfair and caused untold suffering to Indians. 2. What are the main arguments in favor of British reparations to India? The first main argument in favor of Britain’s reparations to India is that the British caused tremendous losses, both in the form of lives and economic prowess in India, during the colonial times. Such include the British being the reason for the drop in India’s share of the world’s econo ...
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