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Efficacy and safety of holmium yag

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Efficacy and safety of holmium YAG: laser in proximal and distal ureteric
Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of
radiation.The holmium YAG: laser was developed in early 1990s.Laser
technologies are established modalities for application in lithotripsy.
Laser lithotripsy is an established endourological modality. Ho:YAG laser have
broadened the indications for ureteroscopic stone managements to include
larger stone sizes throughout the whole upper urinary tract. Aim of current work
is to assess efficacy and safety of Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy during retrograde
ureteroscopic management of ureteral calculi in different locations.
Self-administered questionnaire was distributed among 120 patients from 25-
02-16 to 15-08-16. All male and female patients included in study were of 18-
55 years age with stone size upto 1.5cm.118 patients returned the Performa
and out of these 6 performs were not properly filled. Collected data was
entered into SPSS version 22nd analysed. The qualitative data like
demographics (sex, male or female) complications and efficacy of Ho: YAG
laser in ureteric stones (proximal/distal) was presented as frequency and
percentage. Quantitative data like age (in years and stone size) was
presented as means and standard deviations.
Overall stone free rate for both groups was 95.8%. The mean number of
procedures for proximal calculi was 1.1 ± 0.1 (1–3) and for distal calculi was
1.0 ±0.0. The initial treatment was more successful in patients with distal
ureteral calculi (100% vs. 82.40%, respectively, P = 0.008). No significant
difference in the stone free rate was noticed after the second laser procedure
for stones smaller versus larger than 10 mm (100% versus 94.1%, P = 0.13).

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Efficacy and safety of holmium YAG: laser in proximal and distal ureteric calculi Introduction Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.The holmium YAG: laser was developed in early 1990s.Laser technologies are established modalities for application in lithotripsy. Laser lithotripsy is an established endourological modality. Ho:YAG laser have broadened the indications for ureteroscopic stone managements to include larger stone sizes throughout the whole upper urinary tract. Aim of current work is to assess efficacy and safety of Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy ...
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