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Final picot question literature search

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Picot Question and Literature Search
Mujtaba Quraishi
Course: NRS-433v
Prof. Byron Thatcher
Date: 7/19/20

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PICOT Statement
For the elderly patient (nursing home), does the use of Non-pharmacological
interventions as compared to standard dementia and Alzheimer’s medications reduce the
symptomatic aspects of dementia or delay the process of the cognitive deterioration, in 3 months
Dementia is a common mental health problem among the older population. This mental
health issue takes place when a person’s mental capabilities fail to perform their tasks normally
(Fong, 2015). The symptoms include memory loss, speaking hesitation, ineffective thought
development process, and others (Fong, 2015). To counter or reduce the impact of dementia, the
field of non-pharmacology offers numerous interventions. The main benefit of this approach is
that it does not use medication but purely focuses on non-medication as a way to treat dementia
(Oliveria et al., 2015). Various interventions include physical exercise, art therapy, doll therapy,
reality orientation, aromatherapy, and other similar interventions can be effective for controlling
the impact of dementia patients living in New Jersey (Forbes et al., 2015). Fundamentally, this
approach is highly effective in a sense that it does not prescribe medicine to dementia patients,
but focuses on the use of various therapies effective against dementia. Therefore, three months
will be a reasonable time to see the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions against
dementia among the nursing home residents. Additionally, both qualitative and quantitative data
will be used and collected to track the recovery of dementia patients.

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1 Picot Question and Literature Search Mujtaba Quraishi Course: NRS-433v Prof. Byron Thatcher Date: 7/19/20 2 PICOT Statement For the elderly patient (nursing home), does the use of Non-pharmacological interventions as compared to standard dementia and Alzheimer’s medications reduce the symptomatic aspects of dementia or delay the process of the cognitive deterioration, in 3 months period? Summary Dementia is a common mental health problem among the older population. This mental health issue takes place when a person’s mental capabilities fail to perform their tasks normally (Fong, 2015). The symptoms include memory loss, speaking hesitation, ineffective thought development process, and others (Fong, 2015). To counter or reduce the impact of dementia, the field of non-pharmacology offers numerous interventions. The main benefit of this approach is that it does not use medication but purely focuses on non-medication as a way to treat dementia (Oliveria et al., 2015). Various interventions include physical exercise, art therapy, doll therapy, reality orientation, aromatherapy, and other similar interventions can be effective for controlling the impact of dementia patients living in New Jersey (Forbes et al., 2015). Fundamentally, this approach is highly effective in a sense that it does not prescribe medicine to dementia patients, but focuses on the use of various therapies effective against dementia. Therefore, three months will be a reasonable time to see the effective ...
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