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Literature reviw essay week 5

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Literature Review
Student’s Name
Mr. Jones

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Literature Review
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) describes a situation where blood clots form within the
deep veins of a patient, usually in lower limbs. DVT is dangerous as the blood clots could be
transported and lodged in the major organs, restricting optimal blood flow and may even lead to
death as a result of pulmonary embolism. It develops under certain medical conditions but also
manifests itself after lengthy spans of immobility. It means bed-ridden persons have heightened
risks of DVT in the clinical environment. Pharmacological treatments of DVT vary with
Coumadin (warfarin) and heparin being highly prevalent anticoagulants for thinning the blood. It
is important to examine which intervention is more potent in eradicating DVT symptoms to
maximize the patient’s best outcomes, particularly in the short-term. The literature review will
compare scientific evidence to uncover the more effective option to minimize healthcare costs
while guaranteeing swift recovery.
Researchers have consistently used research questions in uncovering the efficacy of the
two pharmacological interventions. It is important to note how Wilbur and Shian’s research
questions are analogous to Taylor Steuber’s article that looks to uncover the roles of direct oral
anticoagulants in managing venous thromboembolism (Wilbur & Shian, 2017; Steuber, 2017).
This is comparable to Thaler, Pabinger, and Ay’s article together with Massimo, Giancarlo,
Liumbruno, and Lippi’s question touching on the evolution of anticoagulant therapy (Franchini,
Liumbruno, Bonfanti, & Lippi, 2016). These questions point towards the growing variety and
sophistication of available DVT treatments over time. Also, Harter, Levine, and Anderson’s
article questions the adverse impacts of anticoagulant therapies, which rhymes with Insam et
al.’s article examining the consequences of utilizing recommended best practices in tackling

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Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Literature Review Student’s Name Mr. Jones NRS-490 Date 01/25/20 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Literature Review Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) describes a situation where blood clots form within the deep veins of a patient, usually in lower limbs. DVT is dangerous as the blood clots could be transported and lodged in the major organs, restricting optimal blood flow and may even lead to death as a result of pulmonary embolism. It develops under certain medical conditions but also manifests itself after lengthy spans of immobility. It means bed-ridden persons have heightened risks of DVT in the clinical environment. Pharmacological treatments of DVT vary with Coumadin (warfarin) and heparin being highly prevalent anticoagulants for thinning the blood. It is important to examine which intervention is more potent in eradicating DVT symptoms to maximize the patient’s best outcomes, particularly in the short-term. The literature review will compare scientific evidence to uncover the more effective option to minimize healthcare costs while guaranteeing swift recovery. Researchers have consistently used research questions in uncovering the efficacy of the two pharmacological interventions. It is important to note how Wilbur and Shian’s research questions are analogous to Taylor Steuber’s article that looks to uncover the roles of direct oral anticoagulants in managing venous thromboembolism (Wilbur & Shian, 2017; Steuber, 2017). This is comparable t ...
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