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Running head: Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical Perspective of Inquiry
Mental Illness:
Bipolar Disorder
Ariane Escobar
West Coast University

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The purpose of this paper is to identify the issues among pregnant women with bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness which may worsen during pregnancy to postpartum.
Pharmacotherapy treatment should be avoided during pregnancy due to the fact that psychotropic
medication may cause harm to the fetus. Both case studies present evidence that for there are
risks for infant abnormalities while taking psychotropics. The methods used from the case
studies were a naturalistic study and a systemic review. Although, for some the medication did
not affect the baby or mother. Many pregnant women choose to continue taking medication to
stabilize their symptoms of bipolar disorder. Because the risks of exacerbating symptoms linked
to pregnancy. The outcome of how to treat pregnant women with bipolar disorder is still being
researched. There is still more research and education needed to find a solution.
Keywords: Bipolar disorder, pregnancy, postpartum, baby, pharmaceuticals, mental illness

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Running head: Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical Perspective of Inquiry Mental Illness: Bipolar Disorder Ariane Escobar West Coast University 1 MENTAL ILLNESS: BIPOLAR DISORDER 2 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to identify the issues among pregnant women with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness which may worsen during pregnancy to postpartum. Pharmacotherapy treatment should be avoided during pregnancy due to the fact that psychotropic medication may cause harm to the fetus. Both case studies present evidence that for there are risks for infant abnormalities while taking psychotropics. The methods used from the case studies were a naturalistic study and a systemic review. Although, for some the medication did not affect the baby or mother. Many pregnant women choose to continue taking medication to stabilize their symptoms of bipolar disorder. Because the risks of exacerbating symptoms linked to pregnancy. The outcome of how to treat pregnant women with bipolar disorder is still being researched. There is still more research and education needed to find a solution. Keywords: Bipolar disorder, pregnancy, postpartum, baby, pharmaceuticals, mental illness MENTAL ILLNESS: BIPOLAR DISORDER 3 Diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder in women who are pregnant may be difficult. It may be challenging because treatment may exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Hence, treating the disorder may cause more harm than good. Healthcare issues ...
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