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Effective Study Approach

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Effective Study Approach
Student's Name

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Your studying habits are ineffective for many reasons. The first reason for your failure is
a lack of passion for the subject. This is portrayed by your ability to get easily frustrated while
attending to chemistry problems, unlike other subjects. Secondly, you often do not have enough
rest since you sleep less than five hours at night. This means that your brain is never given the
proper amount of time to recuperate and rest, and therefore, concentration is reduced during
studying, especially that chemistry is intensive and needs you to be much attentive. Another
problem with your studying habits is the presence of distractors during learning. Keeping your
phone on vibration to check on incoming text messages consumes your brain and diverts your
attention while studying chemistry. Therefore, you are probably losing much content if your
phone consumes much of your time. The content you gain can probably not be easily recalled or
applied during exams. Moreover, having less time for the subject means less comprehension and
understanding of the concepts. An intensive subject like chemistry deserves to be studied several
times and not only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lastly, reading all night affects your
concentration during exam time.
To become successful in handling chemistry subject and its problems, there are many
strategies that you can incorporate into your study plan. First, passion is essential. Passion
motivates one towards achieving the desired goals in Academics (Huffman, Dowdell &
Sanderson, 2017). Therefore, you need to develop a passion for the subject to avoid irritability
while studying it. Secondly, you need to build your concentration. Concentrating on the study's
content often determines the much you can grab and the level of comprehension of a student. It is
challenging to pay attention during learning due to distractors, both internal and external
(Huffman, Dowdell & Sanderson, 2017). Internal distractors manifest themselves through
aspects such as anxiety, thinking about previous problems, and even daydreaming. These aspects

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Running head: EFFECTIVE STUDY APPROACH Effective Study Approach Student's Name Institution 1 EFFECTIVE STUDY APPROACH 2 Your studying habits are ineffective for many reasons. The first reason for your failure is a lack of passion for the subject. This is portrayed by your ability to get easily frustrated while attending to chemistry problems, unlike other subjects. Secondly, you often do not have enough rest since you sleep less than five hours at night. This means that your brain is never given the proper amount of time to recuperate and rest, and therefore, concentration is reduced during studying, especially that chemistry is intensive and needs you to be much attentive. Another problem with your studying habits is the presence of distractors during learning. Keeping your phone on vibration to check on incoming text messages consumes your brain and diverts your attention while studying chemistry. Therefore, you are probably losing much content if your phone consumes much of your time. The content you gain can probably not be easily recalled or applied during exams. Moreover, having less time for the subject means less comprehension and understanding of the concepts. An intensive subject like chemistry deserves to be studied several times and not only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Lastly, reading all night affects your concentration during exam time. To become successful in handling chemistry subject and its problems, there are many strategies that you can incorporate in ...
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