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Chapter 8
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has often led to individuals who have mere habits
like biting their nails which are quite innate of many people become stigmatized. Given that
OCD is categorized as a disorder characterized by obsessive repeated unwanted thoughts,
individuals are prone to become stigmatized when they perform such tendencies, albeit not all of
them may necessarily be an indication of OCD. For instance, it is quite natural for individuals to
have habitual negative thoughts from time to time. However, classifying OCD as a disorder
increases the likelihood of even these natural processes being perceived as consequential of a
Chapter 10
When it comes to dissociative disorders, an essential progress in managing the condition
has been realized following diagnosis which has heightened awareness and treatment of the
disorder. Dissociative disorders are quite complex given that they disrupt an individual’s innate
self, and the initial lack of awareness made it very difficult to manage such cases. Nevertheless,
diagnosis has enabled a significant increase in awareness with many people becoming conscious
of the existence of such a mental disorder. Evidently, without diagnosis, the disorder would have
remained a mystery to many and thus its treatment nearly impossible. Diagnosis has made many
become increasingly acceptant that such a condition does exist, allowing for better treatment of
dissociative disorders, i.e., through psychotherapy.

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Discussion Post Chapter 8 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has often led to individuals who have mere habits like biting their nails which are quite innate of many people become stigmatized. Given that OCD is categorized as a disorder characterized by obsessive repeated unwanted thoughts, individ ...
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