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Discuss The Concept Of Personhood As Used In The Nursing As Caring Theory. 1

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Florida State University
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Concept of personhood as used in nursing caring theory
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Concept of personhood as used in nursing caring theory
Coyne et al. (2018) defines personhood as the process of living and growing in a caring
life. The element is characterized by being authentic, demonstrating congruence between
behaviors and beliefs, and developing meaning from one's life. Having the characteristics of
personhood makes a person be able to acknowledge the caring responsibilities from one situation
to another. Nursing as a caring theory, on the other hand, consists of various scopes of nursing of
ensuring that people understand their health and the best care is delivered to clients, patients,
families, and communities to ensure that everyone in the healthcare system receives quality
services that they deserve.
The focus of nursing as a caring theory is nurturing people to grow and live better in a
suitable environment. The nurse is responsible for interacting with patients and asking them
about their lived experiences so that they can meet the requirements of the personhood of the
individual patient. Using personhood in the nursing process helps the nurses plan and deliver
patient centered care to the clients they handle. The nurse enters the patient's situation
intentionally to meet the empathetic requirements of being a caring nurse. Through personhood,
a nurse can allow the patient to express their feelings and then respond to the patient's needs.
Personhood requires the nurse to apply skills like embracing, trusting, and inspiring to
care for the patients effectively. It motivates the nurses to be a difference in the life of the
patients. According to Eklund et al. (2019), being a caring nurse depends on what the nurse says
and how they act from the information they obtain from the clients to safeguard humanity.
Personhood makes the nurse unveil their true thoughts, attitudes, and feelings to the patient and
allows them to generate an authentic relationship that can make the patient express their needs

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Concept of personhood as used in nursing caring theory Name Institution affiliation Course Tutor Date 2 Concept of personhood as used in nursing caring theory Coyne et al. (2018) defines personhood as the process of living and growing in a caring life. The element is characterized by being authentic, demonstrating congruence between behaviors and beliefs, and developing meaning from one's life. Having the characteristics of personhood makes a person be able to acknowledge the caring responsibilities from one situation to another. Nursing as a caring theory, on the other hand, consists of various scopes of nursing of ensuring that people understand their health and the best care is delivered to clients, patients, families, and communities to ensure that everyone in the healthcare system receives quality services that they deserve. The focus of nursing as a caring theory is nurturing people to grow and live better in a suitable environment. The nurse is responsible for interacting with patients and asking them about their lived experiences so that they can meet the requirements of the personhood of the individual patient. Using personhood in the nursing process helps the nurses pl ...
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