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Amazon vs Wallmart

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Almost ten decades before amazon posted a credible threat to Walmart. Everyone knows
Walmart was the biggest retailer and sail everything like the shine of sun. Amazon was just
start sailing online books and CDs recently. Walmart was sailing everything and doing their
work fast but amazon was just start working. Amazons growth has put it squarely in the
sights of the brick and mortar giant. But now days it seems like everyone is comparing
amazon and Walmart. The price between Walmart and amazon was begin just three years
before with the online price of online books and DVDs. Amazon it seems to be the “Walmart
of the internet” and perform like an online general store. Walmart was worried for price
because after all online sales account for only 7% of total US. Retail sales and
was continuously increasing space. Amazon offers almost everything on the internet. It sails
everything like books, DVDs, electronics and other things like that. It creates a battle
between Walmart and Amazon offer lowest price of books as compared to
Walmart and it creates a fight between amazon and Walmart. Today the book price war is
continuous. And it’s having an impact on beyond the two primary combatants causing
collateral damage across the entire book industry. The price war is not just taking place for
books it also continuous for other things also. If you compare and
you will find that the price war of everything is going on. For amazon and wall mart both are
imp to have lower price and to have perception of lower price. Walmart is also engaged in
physical trading but amazon is pervading only online trading.
Amazon has showed an ambition to offer everything online firstly amazon was only supposed
to sell books online but then gradually it starts sell everything like movies music consumer
electronics home and garden products clothing jewellery toys tools and groceries. And
amazon online sales grow rapidly and even pulling in wall mart traditional customers. On the
other side of the coin to take it step further Walmart get prices by 60% and then price war

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AMAZON VS WALMART Almost ten decades before amazon posted a credible threat to Walmart. Everyone knows Walmart was the biggest retailer and sail everything like the shine of sun. Amazon was just start sailing online books and CDs recently. Walmart was sailing everything and doing their work fast but amazon was just start working. Amazons growth has put it squarely in the sights of the brick and mortar giant. But now days it seems like everyone is comparing amazon and Walmart. The price between Walmart and amazon was begin just three years before with the online price of online books and DVDs. ...
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