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Response 3

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University of Maryland University College
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Response 1
Hello, thanks for sharing a great post on the NNT. It sounds like an awesome place to
learn about classical music, dance, and music components, and enjoy the performances as
well. Although I may not say that I enjoy orchestra music per se, I do feel that they contain
several musical components and elements within their sophisticated music instruments and
performance (DeLorenzo, 2015). Besides, as you have mentioned, music and dance can feel
differently when one just places themselves at the moment, and I would like to experience
that with opera music and the likes of jazz and other classical music. Also, music is indeed
part of most people’s everyday lives, and it serves several different purposes. To some, it is a
means of passing time, while others are inspired to study or work harder when they listen to
music (DeLorenzo, 2015). Either way, music has within its fabric a diverse way of appealing
to different people for equally diverse reasons.
DeLorenzo, L. (2015). Giving voice to democracy in music education: Giving Voice to
Democracy in Music Education: Diversity and Social Justice in the Classroom.
Response 2
Hi, nice work on this post, and how you have pointed out the diversity of music across
different cultures. Indeed, music and dance are two elements of life that play a significant
impact in one’s life, and more so, significant for different cultural orientations. Different
cultures, such as Native Americans, have a unique approach in how they perform, or express
their music, emotions, and cultural practices. Notably, several learning institutions appreciate
the existence of diverse cultures and the essence of preserving their types of dance and music,

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Response 1 Hello, thanks for sharing a great post on the NNT. It sounds like an awesome place to learn about classical music, dance, and music components, and enjoy the performances as well. Although I may not say that I enjoy orchestra music per se, I do feel that they contain several musical components and elements within their sophisticated music instruments and performance (DeLorenzo, 2015). Besides, as you have mentioned, music and dance can feel differently when one just places themselves at the moment, and I would like to experience that with opera music and the likes of jazz and other ...
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